
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:55:50
魅力24英语俱乐部有很有小明星?魅力24英语俱乐部有很有明星?我朋友是那里的会员,他说他见到过一些影视界的小明星,真的假的? 孔子、诸葛亮、郑成功、孙中山所处的年代和主要成就简要地写出来 英语翻译形容词“古老的”,名词“中国”和建筑的材料翻译时的位置关系是什么,哪个在前,哪个在后 一首歌反复出现i know who i want to take me home的歌词 孔子有哪些重要成就 孔子所处的年代和主要成就. 孔子出生在哪个年代,主要成就是什么? 8 The invention of __A_wheel is a great contribution to ____man.A the \ B \ \ C a the D \ the请高手给个确切的答案,在讲下其中的语法知识,为什么不选D呢, it is good to learn at another man's cost 的中文意思麻烦解释一个阿,还有Great minds think alikeBetter late than never For the best is only bought at the cost of great 如题,GF的签名档. Do you want to know about my morning是什么意思Do you want to know about my morning Well,I usually get up at around six-fifteen I do my homework at six-dhirty,and them! family,know,to,about,want,my,you,do?(连词成句) morning,want,about,do,to,you,know,my造句 do you want to know about him?同义句 ____you_________ _________know about him I head your mother ____ill yesday.How ___she now? 老子的年代早还是孔子的时代早?有高手介绍一下情况吧? He insisted that she________to work in the countryside.他主张派她到农村去工作 what a good piece of advice 还是what a piece of good advice注意是感叹句.. what a piece of work is a man "What a piece of work is man!how noble in reason!how infinite in faculty!in form and moving how express and admirable!in action how like an angel!in apprehension how like a god!the beauty of the world,the paragon of anim 孔子的政治生涯简介 Mrs .Green is ill .We hope she feels____________(well) soon. Will she come? I suppose( )Will she come?I suppose( )A.it B.that C.this D.so 莎士比亚的经典对白是什么?(英语版) 莎士比亚经典对白要英文版的哦谢谢了 多一点哦中英互译的 莎士比亚的英语经典对白 有谁能告诉我一些莎士比亚戏剧中的经典对白?要是中英双译的,最好是二人对白, 求字谜!让对方向自己表白的字谜或问题(比如:从前有两个人,一个叫我喜欢你,一个叫我不喜欢你,有一天我不喜欢你出车祸死了,还剩下谁?)类此,求求求! 字谜大全好的 补分数好的我在给10分 3d字谜解释、我就想知道那数字是怎么来的 不用给我说一堆废话 比如178俩醉鬼,比海量,旁人劝,更癫狂是怎么出的 最好是以前所有的都是怎么来的 济南的秋天 老舍 读后感300字左右 It was boring.It -------.So I stayed at home and didn't do-------. It was ( )yesterday.So he stayed at home.A.rain B.rained C.rains D.rainy