
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 00:36:36
“医院”的英语是hospital,它是读“好死普提奥”还是“好死批涛” Liu Xiang _ won another match last month.He was a _(success)The doctor has done as much as he can _(save) the boy.You can't look down on the _(able).Bill is good at doing things and dealing with difficult things.He is _(practice.He seemed to have dif in hospital on hospital区别,在医院怎么说 为什么外国老看说看到外星人而我们中国又没看到过?是不是抄做? the earth's crust cooled 是习语吗 为什么把废水中的有机物归于同一类污染物,有哪几种表示浓度的方法,各自有何优缺点 带尧的字都有哪些 Noetic词根词源? hospital怎么读P 是发B 英语单词:hospital 怎么读,希望有音频我只要就音频就行了 金融的一道计算题,Cindy and Jennifer are twin sisters.They both have a $10,000 investment earning 7%.Cindy withdraws $2,000 of her money now and goes on a shopping spree.Jennifer keeps all her money invested.After 15 years,when each are lookin Early I searched through the earth for earth ware so as to research in earthquake. so as to research in earthquake 目的是为了研究地震这里的research后面为什么要用in?而不是用on? 3.Early I searched through the earth for earth ware so as to research in earthquake.请翻译并解释此句语法结构 我想当一个大学的教授,要经过一个怎样的过程?困不困难?如果在该专业比较突出,有点功绩(比如有好些个专利)会不会有些优势 英语中与hospital相关的词汇比如ill infection precribe 只要和疾病有关的词语 和医院 看病 治疗有关的词语都可以 第五题,错误请指出来改正 A man gose to the doctor and 女孩的经期如何计算?不规律的又如何计算?女孩肚子痛是在什么时候痛呀! ( )6.-The doctor says I need a balanced diet and exercise.They can_____a big difference to you health. A.do B.make C.help D.chang GMAT confirmation 邮件中 candidate ID 是什么 还有Registration ID是什么我是在台湾申请的GMAT 考试,发来的邮件中有如题这两项,但是这两个ID都不是通行证上面的ID,我忘记了有没有填过有关通行证号码 GMAT报名后收到confirmation of GMAT appointment就算报名成功了是吗? gmat报名信用卡报名钱没扣就收到了confirmation email,神马情况,去mba查了一下账户,显示的是You do not have any exams scheduled 这是不是没成功啊 观察下图并填表 He comes to a stop.一般疑问句是不是He comes to a stop? 赠刘景文这首诗是什么代诗人苏轼写给什么什么什么的这首诗描写了什么四种景物 按数字规律填出下图空缺的数 找规律,填出下图空缺的数2 13 24 26 15 194 44 7 14 3 带解析 孤者易伤, 下列各题中各有一处错误,请改正1.The old man is very pleased seeing us again.2.I often dress up as a ghost in Hallween.3.We donated enough statineries to the students in the pool areas.4.Each of the students in our class have an English-C 孤者易伤,贫者易感.翻译 尽快. 3dmax怎么后加段数?比如建好box时不设段数,然后在编辑加段数.能加单点不(就加一个点)在3维物体上;能加面不一下. 请问 石材加工方式中的 SMOOTH FINISH 是什么加工方式啊?