
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:47:24
求陆游《入蜀记》(节选)的评析(不需要翻译). 汉唐时期,在与西域各民族的友好交往中,堪称和睦友好的典范的是a汉与大月氏的关系b汉与匈奴的关系c唐与突厥的关系d唐与回鹘的关系 长记性不犯贱英语怎么说 “好记性不如烂笔头”的英语怎么说?如题. It's universally acknowledged that 可以代替think吗?在写作的时候 I'm just fucking with you. 我的记性好差,怎么才能记性好点? 22课信任读写双通道的片段 我把王长喜六级巅峰训练第十版的光盘弄丢了 怎么办 同学问我清风品牌抽纸口碑好吗?要是你,你该怎么回答? 新东方词汇班是如何上课的?词汇严重不知,想去上新东方词汇班,但是怕几天的课程,只不过空的讲些方法,根本没用,还不如自己呗.不知道上过的同学有什么高见! li yundi ,a well-known Chinese pianist,always loved music.为什么用loved ,而不用loves? Well,you're always welcome.为什么要加个always when shall we have the party, saturday or sunday? _ is ok . i'll be free this weekend both or eithe when shall we have the party,saturday or sunday?_ is ok .i'll be free this weekend A.both B.ei 要一篇题目是我喜欢XXX的作文,可以是写爱好,事物等 狗遇到危险是会怎么办? These are such men that we believe.用whom对吗?为什么? you can believe him for he is such an honorable man.问句中believe...for的用法,for后可跟从句吗? It is obvious that this young man is_____working experienceA.absent of B.in short ofC.lacking in D.in the absence of答案应该选C,为什么啊?请说明原因,谢谢~ 为啥我的采纳率是0%不增加呢 秦九昭算法求多项式,设的v0是不是没用? 初一几何三角形证明题要具体过程,最好再写一下理由 Keep him是什么意识 keep him waiting是什么意思It is her fatherand he is very .Sue keeps him waiting空白处A happy B hungry C wrong D tired选什么 加10分 Keep stalling him.Keep brushing him off. I want keep him but Kieron said his friends keep him grounded是什么意思 比喻不要脸的人 Is that nures dirty or clean这样问是对的!如果……如果变成 That nures is dirty or clean 这样是对的还是错的?that可不可以做主语?问什么要改成"And"才是对的? That is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty 好习惯伴我行手抄报的内容