
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 13:28:58
The Boy's Gone (Live On Earth Version) 歌词 the gone boy为什么不对? He don't know____.A.what willHe don't know____.A.what will he do next B.when will he do it C.where he will go D.why he stay here 要求写出原因 :I don't know how will go on这句英语翻译成中文是什么意识 what 's your father's job.[同义] I was born ( ) the fall of 1995.一个填空:Would you mind__ ___(not tell) me his number? She told me she____(be) flying to BeiJing the next week.用适当形式填空 1.She told me she would (go to London) the next week.就括号内部分提问( )( )she tell you she would( )the next week?2.Yong Lives was (a long soap opera).( )( )( )( )was Yong Lives 3.She no more cried.(改为同 You never know what you will find什么意识啊 You know time will always find a way. oh to the love i know t will find是哪首歌歌词:oh to the love i know t will find oh take me home I don't know_________he will find out the answer to the question. I don't know where you are,but if i find you,i will love you eternally/forever 这句话的中文是什么 Ces pommes sont delicieuses!On prend un kilo?--C´est un peu d´( )prendre un kilo,on ne ( ) mange pas toutes.括号里的人称代词应该填写什么? What is his job.怎么改为反问句 【急】法语语法求助!Ces pommes sont delicieuses!On prend un kilo?C´est un peu d´( )prendre un kilo,on ne ( ) mange pas toutes.括号里的人称代词应该是什么呢? 想请教三个法语语法问题1.Pouvez-vous donner ces revues à Sophie et à Paul? Je ne les ai pas vues ce matin.这里为什么填vues啊.les不是代指Sophie et à Paul么~感觉应该是vus. 2.Le niveau de la mer (s'elever)____de 10 à 15 ce 英语翻译1.J'ai changé (de) lunettes ,les anciennes étaient démodées.2.Zut!Je me suis trompé (de) route et je n'ai plus assez de temps pour rendre visite à mon ami . 用英语写一篇文章,谈谈你对酒驾的认识,不少于一百词. 请帮我写一篇英语文章(关于酒驾问题)采用三段式,第一 三段内容少,第二段内容多.第一段酒驾现象的发生,第二段酒驾产生的原因和导致的危害,第三段如何解决酒驾的发生.字数不少于140个 求一篇酒驾滴英语作文,80词左右谢谢!要有序数词,用多点句式,写怎样不酒驾,怎样做,80词左右,单词别太生硬的就行,请别乱发乱答谢谢!这么多生词,老师看了会晓得我是抄滴! 写山茶花的古诗词如题! 现在完成时的问题,可以用一般过去时回答吗?例:where have you been? i've been to the operawhere have you been? i've been to the opera.改成 i was to the opera Let's work hard to find _____ to the problem.A an answer B a way C a method D.a solution我觉得都ABCD能说得通,为什么只有D对呢? Think hard,and you'll find a way out 纠正错误:How many student are there in your ciass? How many students are there in your clss 日常光源中什么光源的“显色性”最好?“色温”为多少? 照度均匀性、室内反射系数光源显色性、色温的定义我是觉得这种问题很难得到解答,多半会不了了之所以不愿意一开始很高分,如果回答超出我的预期无论一开始有无悬赏我都会追分的.我所 色温是什么?什么叫显色性? 描写秋雨的词语有哪些? Alice’s big sister’s name is Rose 改为一般疑问句