
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 07:16:51
为什么B不对 _____ soccer is for the young.A.Play B.Plays C.Playing D.Played注:请写明原因, Die in the memories什么意思 玻璃胶多久可以碰水 转换为同义句:Searching the Internet may help middle-aged and older adults keep their memories sharpSearching the Internet may help___middle-aged_____older adults keep their memories sharp 英语翻译翻译为“你进来还是你出去”或者“你在里面还是外面”什么的就别再回复了,不对. 请问第四题讲解mean用法 玻璃胶碰到水如果饮用水碰到了玻璃胶那么饮用水还能喝吗 青蛙的发育要写大约多少天就边另一个形态 A bird can fly.(改为否定句) can he fly kites?否定回答Is she writing an email?用tomorrw evening改写句子the teachers are going to kunming by plane.改为一般疑问句his uncle is going to read a magazine.改为否定句组词成句grandparents her next to live the muse mean 的全部用法, 如何画出曲面的边界? Your ability to accomplish does not get used upget used up We are on a path to accomplish this," 用英语,另个词形容这个人很mean用另外一个词形容这个人很mean?怎么形容. ”没有空气意味着没有生命“翻译成英语用mean 对某人有意义用英语 用mean的句型 还有是去往某地的票用英语怎么说 mean的用法 一句话的翻译如果此灯闪烁,则表示槽中的纸用尽了.If it is flashing, that means the paper in the tray run out.If it is flashing, that means the paper in the tray running out.哪一句是正确的? capcha validation failed.please try again怎么办 Convert cover failed,Please try again! 魅族m8怎么刷固件出现failed please try Convert cover failed,Please try again! Convert cover failed,Please try again! Let us go and have lunch改同意句_____ _____for us____have lunch. except to do 和but to do的区别如题 这两个意思有什么不同 比如说have no other ambition but/except to do sth except sb.to do有这个短语嘛? 旅客乘坐国内航班随身携带液态化妆品的要求是可托运的要求还是随身携带上飞机的要求?每种化妆品限带一件;每件的容器容积不超过100毫升;置于独立袋内,必须逐个开瓶接受检查;总体 13. -He failed his exam. -But what did you________? He never passes any of his exams.A. knowB. expectC. thinkD. want 如图,在△ABC中,∠B=2∠C,AD是△ABC的角平分线,∠1=∠C,求证 AC=AB+CE 1.如图,在△ABC中,∠B=2∠C,AD是△ABC的角平分线,∠EDC=∠C,求证:AC=AB+CE.2.如图所示,四边形ABCD是梯形,AD∥BC,若DE∥AC交BC的延长线于点E,且△ADC≌△ECD,试问:梯形ABCD的面积和△BDE的面积相等吗?谈 马上出国了,驾照还没有翻译呢?请问找哪家公司翻译好啊