
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:00:48
hight是什么意思,我经常看电视 什么hight歌,什么好hight.我都不是很清楚 hight是什么意思 七情六欲是指什么古人说:人有七情六欲,是指哪“七情”、“六欲” 七情六欲的内容有哪些? 七情六欲的内容是什么?是哪些? 七情六欲的具体内容? 人们常说的七情六欲的内容是什么? he doesn't m_____ a lot of money but he e___his life缺词填空 He dosen't m___ a lot of money but he enjoy his life he does not m_____a lot of money but heenjoy his life.m开头 填什么 He is good at Japanese.(改为同义句) he ——(not finish)his homework until his father came back It is not easy to finish all the homework.=什么?I didn’t leave until my father came back=什么? 七情六欲是指哪七情哪六欲? 七情六欲 是指哪七情 ______he to smoke? yes ,he ______.but now he doesn't. A.used,used to.B.used ,used我觉得应该选B,但答案选的是A My father used to smoke,but now he follows the doctor`s a____ to give it up. Cindy is singing____and she looks____.A.happy;happy B.happily;happy C.happy;happily D.happily;happily I wonder whether there's somebody can read my mind这个句子对吗?如果不对要怎样改对? waited until he _______ his homework.答案为什么填finished?能不能填过去完成时?如果可以,和一般过去时有什么区别? I waited until he had finish his homework中,为什么until后面是过去完成时,怎么不是一般现在时? 驯鹿和角马那个长跑耐力更好? 驯鹿是不是灰狼最不好捉的猎物? 请问狼的耐力和它的猎物比谁更强?狼在捕猎时会不会和猎物拼耐力?我知道狼的耐力特别强,也听说过有的狼一天能跑几百公里.但也知道它的猎物——草原上的大型食草动物耐力也特别强.那 驯鹿不论是速度和耐力都远大于灰狼,那偶尔狼是怎么捕到一只成年驯鹿的?狼群用什么战术捕驯鹿 ( )2.The music teacher teaches ______.A.we to sing B.us to sing C.our sing D.our singing (( )2.The music teacher teaches ______.A.we to sing B.us to sing C.our sing D.our singing( )3.There are people here.A.too much B.much too C.too man 剑雨天下 风暴之锤哪里打 摩尔庄园的驼鹿怎么救啊? 驼鹿花纹的秘密中驼鹿为什么被称为西伯利亚丛林勇士 last one,是指上一个,还是指最后一个呢?last不是有上一个的意思么? 现存世界的驼鹿还多多少? 12朵花什么意思