
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 06:39:28
新目标初二下英语复习题快!急需!要一单元的!不用阅读和完形填空要答案呀!一定要有答案! 几个英语问题(初二新目标 上)1.if the table is too loub ,other c_____ might even c_____ to the western countries one person pays if he or she is e_____ is called"going d_____"to eat together but s_____the cost.4.a 从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空 (连词) (when ,before ,as soon as ,until ,while ,从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空 (连词)(when ,before ,as soon as ,until ,while ,after)1.He lived in a sma 句型转换1.Mr Green usually has lunch at school.(用yesterday改写句子)Mr Green ---- lunch at school -------- .2.Jim always does his homework after school.(改为否定句)Jim ----- ------ his homework after school.3.The boy has lunch at sc 英语造句:用when,while,before,since,although,which这些连词造复合句现在学新概念二B,是第49课的,请不要超出范围,就是用这些连词把一些简单句连在一起组成复活句, 初二上期英语试题、?很有可能考什么作文、?我们不是中考、。只是期末考试,我们这里几乎不是中考一般不考看图作文。 我在央财大一,明年考六G,不知道只背GRE单词还是托福四级都要背? 东南亚主要以什么语言为主. 东南亚国家都使用什么语言和什么文字? There were some buses.改成一般疑问句,怎么修改? 主语是否定如nobody nothing none of us反义疑问句怎么讲 是要和前面动词相反意义还是不反 let us 反义疑问句 回答回答是什么在帮忙翻译下这句话This action called on hundreds of thousands of people to fight and greatly frightened the enemies第一问是不是我问的模棱两可就是帮忙回答一下这个问句 肯定 let us let's 反义疑问句为什么不一样有人说let us 是询问意见,不包括同意人 Let's 的反义疑问句为什麼和Let us的不一样啊我也弄不明白是什麼,只知道是答案却不明白是因为什麼,说说吧,急用啊 let's 和let us 改为反义疑问句分别怎么改? let's和let us 在反义疑问句中怎样提问? the box is so heavy that i can't carry it The box is so heavy that Kangkang can't carry it.还能改为SO...That...用法的同义句吗? 龙的英文写法是什么? 英语题--新目标1.Can you work out the math p___ youself?2.My mother has gone out.I have to b_____my young brother.3.You should take this m___ three times a day. bus是什么意思 如图,闭合开关S时,小灯泡L1.L2都不亮.用一段导线的两端接触a,b两点时,两灯都不亮,接触b.c两点时,L1灯亮L2灯不亮,接触a.b两点时,两灯都亮.对此,下列判断中正确的是?A.灯L1断路 B.灯L2断路 C.开关S 求八年级上册人教版物理每个单元的难题!可以直接复制别人的.但请把解析及答案说清楚!我的意思是把问题、答案和解析都写出来。什么“都不够我塞牙缝 你说都没说你认为我会给你吗?分 请将The box is so heavy that I can not carry it.改为用enough to do sth.的句子. The young man is so srong that he can carry the heavy box的同义句是什么? how do you like the restaurant ( )The restaurant looks ( ) but the waiters sound ( ) A.beautiful,patient B.beautifully,patient C.beautifully,impatient D.beautifully,impatientlymilly is cartoom fan and she has( ) comic books A.a little B.a number of C 初中 二年级的 英语题,在线求He works as a guide.He _____ as a guide. (我认为是serves,可不知道对不对)Smoking causes cancer.Smoking ______ the _______ of cancer.The rain stopped us from coming on time.(用英语解释stopped,就 小学生活真是丰富多彩,6年来我们学过不少描写儿童生活情趣的古诗词,请选择你最喜欢的写两句 不定式,过去式,进行式,做定语有什么差别? 问一道初二下册新目标英语的题.we learned a lot d________ our stay in the enoutryside .这个题是根据句意及首字母提示写出单词 英语翻译1.They have no natual enemies and never fight.2.It is best to prepare for days of need.3.They were the products of the Mattel Company and were born in 1959.4.It is reported that more than one billion Barbie dolls have been sold across the 问初二下册的一道函数题如图,已知点A(-3,4)和点B(-2,1),试在y轴上求一点P,使PA+PB的值最小,并求出点p的坐标.