
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 18:37:39
蚊香没支架怎么办? 球类前面加不加the 除了球类、三餐外,还有哪些名词前不加the Actually these days I every day in the miss,always feel not put,see someone send you flowers,I was jealous,so came back,you are so nice women I estimated that I later is playing lanterns can't find the old,so back three...谁可以告诉我这段话 谁能帮忙起一个作文开头?那天,我____了.半命题作文 希望大家能给我出一个好写点的题目又不幼稚的 . 当面对困惑时作文的开头句怎么写啊!初二作文. 谁有一个关于冬天的开头『作文』? 晚归 作文开头 帮我想一个 表语是什么呢? couldn't 同义句为什么要变过去式用适当的动词和情态动词填空 They couldn't find any secrets.=They ( )not( )to find any secrets.was able问:1.为什么不是were,able2.能否是are ,able?抑或因为could 是can 的过去式 It couldn’t be better 为什么用过去式 Is that jeep biue?(用bilack改写成选侧疑问句) Is that jeep —— —— —— couldn't后面是不可以加动词过去式?这是什么语法? 已知f(x)=2asinx^2-2根3asinxcosx+a+b的定义域为[0,派/2],值域[-5,1],求a,b的值 英语表语的具体用法, Quebec是哪个地方?怎么翻译 Andy怎么读? Andy 怎么读 ANDY法文怎么读应该怎么发音, andy parker怎么读 Tomorrow is another day,so the sorrow has been past出自哪里? According to the broadcaster,___the heavy fog,the expressway has been closed up.A.instead of B.thanks to C.as a result of D.in case of 这道题选什么,我觉得B和C都能选,大家帮我分析下, The best to cheer up is to to cheer someboThe best to cheer up is to to cheer somebody else up填了之后再说明理由 3,he is giving her French lessons in exchange ____ English lessons .A,with B,to C,for D,in 有关jason derulo的歌他有几首歌的刚开头都有同一句话.歌词上又不显示.我听不出.请教高手.他说的什么 Are the books in the backpack?(作否定回答) 用be的合适形适填空These books ______in the backpack. The system has ____________(大体上) been found very easy to use. the system has provided the local people with quick and easy( )to fresh waterthe system has provided the local people with quick and easy( )to fresh water in this dry area.A accessB passageC wayD approach 英语翻译 He says Chinese food is (d ) from American food.填单词 英语 找错