
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:32:27
商务询盘中lead-time breakdown怎么翻译 if you real like a girl,i knew she love me too,but she didn't say to me .but you will a shy boy ,wh是解决的办法不是解释 Tell me where do i find someone like you girl怎么翻译? no matter how hard it is I will never give up 什么意思? 急~~~~ 天上的街市 郭沫若 为什么第二节中有两个“固然”,从这个词中我体会到作者怎样的感情? Tell_me_where_do_i_find_someone_like_you_girl是什么意思 一物块从斜面(斜面粗糙)上加速下滑,请问地面(粗糙)对斜面的静摩擦力的方向是?那如果减速下滑呢?求分析 谢谢 找歌 英文 男女对唱 懂1句连贯歌词you keep on drive me crazy girl like me(?) tell me如果说 没文化的可怕性也能体现在这方面 那么我默默接受来自社会各界的抨击-_-我尽全力搜刮出以下单词开头毋 Tell me where do i find someone like you girl的问题怎么会出现you和girl放在一起请解释一下是同位语为什么没有逗号 Looking for help , who can help me make the ends of the girl times.怎样翻译? Make a comparison of Chinese and Western table etiquettes.问答题, Make a comparison between the British educational system and the American educational system. 静止的物体放在滑动的皮带上怎样受力分析,是否有静摩擦力,怎样产生的,是否使其加速 Miss will make me grow ,But you never find中文意思 mariah ,I will never forget you .I'll miss you Today I find you.I will never miss Please go and see if there is____unusual.填something还是anything? 请翻译“ Time of receipt please 861report prevail” 1.can you see ()?A something unusual B unusual something C unusual anything D anything unusual2.his cousin had his lunch at the factory.请问have lunch中间能加物主代词吗?不是只能加形容词的吗比如:have a big breakfast3.i didn't If anything (happen) to you please tell me应该填什么 We'll return home in 10 day's time翻译一下 我在海边看见一个生物 不知道叫什么 求大神解答回家后 来个清晰的 小8拍照不给力啊 它趴在一个贝壳里 身上 中间硬硬的 周围一圈 小刺刺 周星驰到底是什么样的人拜托各位大神 饺子的英文单词怎么写? 快 翻译: A child's hobby may become his work when he grows up. need help with 数学应用题,I need your help.1.王宁的妈妈买来一些巧克力糖果放在食品盒子里,这些糖果比20块多,比50块少.王宁每天吃3块,吃了几天正好吃完.小红说:“因为3是奇数,所以这些巧克力糖果的块数 they began to work instead to make life better 怎么翻译? I need your help!1 1 1 1 1--- + --- + --- + .+ --------- + --------- 1*3 3*5 5*7 2001*2003 2003*2005==== nothing changed in my life since i work all the time翻译 关于读的书特别多的成语或诗句 “我明天要去北京”用英语怎么说?是应该说成"I'm going to Beijing tomorrow"还是"I'm going to go to Beijing tomorrow"?都有什么区别?