
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 10:18:32
I hear you’ve got a new job.How are you getting on?请问有没有how do you get on的表达呢. 帮忙翻个句子Not long to go until i comeNot long to go until i come 应该怎么翻译比较正确? 10个人采用抽签的方式抽2张电影票,求第二个人抽到电影票的概率(用全概率公式).需要用全概率公式解答, could you tell me?Is there a mall near here?1.could you tell me?Is there a mall near here?2.can you please tell me?Are there any good restaurants in watertown?3.Do you know?where is the bookstore?4.could you please tell me?How can I get to wonderland are you getting up or what what you are getting on with...RT what do you up to 和what are you up to 是一个意思吗? What are you up to?的同义句是什么 They are brothers and sisters,but they don't always agree as well as they __ A.can B.should C.mayD.will How are you getting on____ Helen there are more than twenty thousand australians in hong kong(同义句)_____ twenty thousand australians ___ in hong kong Can you tell me the to bank?Sorry,I’m new here.A.road,the nearest B.street,the near C.way,the ne 英语选择:Did your mother go to London?No,her doctor suggested that she ______( )Did your mother go to London?No,her doctor suggested that she ______Aisn't going Bnot go Cdidn't go Dwould't go The doctor (suggestion) _____ that she come another day. 《牧竖》的全文翻译啊! 英语翻译中心思想是什么 记叙文的六要素中最重要的要素 She's at the dentist什么意思,dentist不是只有牙医的意思? A tank of 0.1-m3 volume contains air at 25oC and 101.33 kPa.The tank is connected to a compressed- A helmet is a large hard hat that protects the head and is conneted to the air tank翻译 1.The dentist_____(suggestion)that she should come another day能不能讲得在清楚一些,为什么是过去式?答案是suggested do you need everyone______(carry)the air tank for you? 牧 竖两牧竖入山,至狼穴,穴有小狼二,谋分捉之.各登一树,去 数十步.少选,大狼至,入穴失子,甚仓皇.竖于树上扭小狼蹄 耳故令嗥,大狼声仰视,怒奔树下,号且爬抓.一竖又在彼树 致小狼鸣急,狼辍 牧竖 赏析 300字 蒲松龄的《聊斋志异·牧竖》的注释及字义, 记叙文结构记叙文的结构有哪些?有什么作用?总--分--总,总--分是说明文的结构,记叙文也有吗? 下列标题,不符合“大河流域——人类文明的摇篮”这一选题的是A金字塔的国度 B奴隶制民主政治的高峰C种姓制度的产生 D新月沃地孕育的古国 古印度的种姓制度是一种文明吗?如果不是的话,为什么把它列入“大河流域,人类文明的摇篮”一课? I advise that she __ another day.A.willB.comesC.cameD.should come She ____that it ____for two days by that day.A.says ...has rained B.said...had rained请问选哪一个?为什么?我知道第二个空用过去完成时态 但第一个空我不明白 现在说和过去说不都可以么? She insisted that we ____there for another day or two .A would say B could stay C stay D stayed 《推敲》的译文