
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:09:01
速求七年级上册古诗14首和文言文7首是花园新生作业 I think teenagers ___(should,allow) to make decisions by themselves 怎么填 6.Parents and teachers should allow teenagers to choose their own clothes.被动语态 A number of students were absent from the meeting.的主语是什么 The number of students absent from the meeting was surprising.这里为什么要用was concentrate on 和 concentrate to 有什么区别 It is()you to remind me of the meeting or else I will be absent.for 2.of 3.about 4.at说出选择的原因 concentrate on有关该短语的用法及注意 最短的优美句子 yes, today is june 1st.的问句! 关于创意设计与艺术作品阐释的论文,摄影方向, TODAY IS JUNE 10th用 june 10th提问用TODAY IS JUNE 10th回答 She got bad m____ in the math test,so she failed the math test 什么是设问句21 观沧海与浪淘沙北戴河写景上的相同和不同现代教育报语文周刊第10期的题 人们在发明创造时,通常会用到哪些创新思维方法 怎样平衡历史真实和艺术创造700字. 判断创造性的步骤和方法有哪些? Tom is tired.Peter is tired.Alice is also tired.(合并成一句) 10 Tom is away today .Tom is ____ ____ today ..改同义句11 She is busy now .She is ____ ____ now .12 There is a map in Class Four .____ ____ ____ a map .13 My father is not fat .My father is ____ .14 What are you What ____ you ____ 15 It’s Sunda 伏特加怎么储藏 绝对伏特加是什么 虚实结合句子老师要我们分清句子中的实和虚,我发现虚我可以找出来,但是实我不知道是哪一个.老师给我们一个例子:妈妈和我一起上街,一辆自行车失控,向我撞来,妈妈把我拉开,但妈妈的手 be absorbed in与be concentrate on在用法上的区别是什么? The aeroplane is flying over the lake.变成一般疑问句和特殊疑问句Is __________________?What____________________?where___________________?The dog is coming out of the water.Is ____________________?What___________________?Where_____________ The birds are flying over the river.划线部分提问对于over the river 提问应该是:Where are the birds flying?对于the river 提问应该是:What are the birds flying over?对么?如果对于:The children are jumping off the wall.一 观沧海 作者写这首诗的目的是什么 yes,in the west,car is just like human legs.Without car,life would be tough. 观沧海前六句写-景,后四句写-景,作者看到的景色有-----------,这些景色表现作者----的胸怀和-----的气 ------Would you like_____?-------Yes,just a little.A some bread B some noodles C some dumplings D some meats 绿的歌,冰心我的童年是在大海之滨过的,眼前是一望无际的湛蓝湛蓝的大海,身后是一抹浅黄的田地.那时,我的大半个世界是蓝色的.蓝色对于我,永远象征着阔大,深远,庄严……我很少注意到或 绿的歌冰心阅读答案我的童年是在大海之滨过的,眼前是一望无际的湛蓝湛蓝的大海,身后是一抹浅黄的田地.那时,我的大半个世界是蓝色的.蓝色对于我,永远象征着阔大,深远,庄严……我很少