
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 23:23:45
找出画线字母发音不同的单词划线字母大写:A.wh I te B.th I s C.I t D.I sThe ruler is _________ .A.reds B.blues C.a white D.green three months' holiday 可以表达成three-month's holiday吗?为什么在这还要" 's"?three-month-holiday,如此表达行不行,就好像ten-year-old 一样?three-month's holiday 有了“-”在中间为什么还要" 's 同义句转换Her father bought the car three months ago.Her father__ __the car for three months.新概念二册的题, three months is a long for me ,three months 是复数,为什么有要看成整体 英语翻译1—06 they cannot afford to be permissive parents.想知道:afford to 这里怎么翻译?afford to :承担得起,当得起,称得上。permissive:adj.许可的,获准的,放任的,纵容的,宽容的。、翻译:他们可当 they cannot afford to be permissive parents. 什么意思? 翻译They cannot afford to wait to see the disease untouched Dogs can be trained to help b____ people cross the street They do not visit their parents as much as they ought to.怎么翻译? if you had to list the ten most beautiful people in the world,who would you include.翻译 英语翻译Parents have little liberty in the rooms of the children,and children cannot do what they want in those parts of the house regarded as pre-eminently their parents' domain. Never let people put you down如何翻译好? What will the world be if all people did the same according to the passage?的翻译 clothes音标中thes怎么发音?是连读那个"兽旁"音标和Z,还是只读后面的Z 还有months中的ths怎么发音?拜托学语言的高手回答,不是行家就别浪费时间了! 英语翻译according to the passage,sport is positive for young people in that it can provide them whth valuable experiences,这个positive,在这里怎么翻译/整句话怎么翻译? months,clothes怎么发音~口语老师说s不用发音~是不是啊 与mouths的ths发音相同的是 A fifths B maths C clothes D months in this monument is a lift ,people from all over the country ride in the lift to top .翻译 英语里,如months,clothes这样以“-th(e)s”结尾的单词怎么读? 下列关于英、法、美三国资产阶级革命相同之处的表达,正确的是( ) A.都是为了推翻封建王朝统治 B.都是由资产阶级领导C.都曾建立过君主立宪政体 D.都曾抗击过外来武装干涉 英、法、美三国在资产阶级的革命中颁布了重要文献分别是什么?它们有何共同点?如题咯 what we cannot afford to lose? what we cannot afford to lose?英语演讲比赛稿子. What We Cannot Afford to Lose一篇英语作文.400字左右 这个字的读音,笔顺,意思,和组词. Here you go and There you go这两个短语各有哪些意思?运用场合? let you go here to there “囧”字的读音及笔画如果查字典,该怎样查? 读音为yi有二十二 笔画的字 can you tell me a 为什么不能用say,talk和speak tell a lie 的音标意思 months 怎么读