
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 21:09:20
七年级英语书人教版unit4单词 谁有英语书人教版七年级把第三单元单词发一下 七年级人教版英语书我想看看七年级上人教版英语书的结构 就是目录 会英语的都进来,1.I am play ping_pong和I play ping_pong那一个对?2.What does he do?(回答看电视watch TV),写答句watch后面加s还是es?2.用以下句子结构造句:主语(I You he she)+be(am is are)+动作ing主语+be+no 老师让我英语写不会的题.就是把自己英语不懂的问题.写到一个本子上.整理一下.我主要是语法方面不懂.明天就要.现等. 好的话重赏. 1.The Yangtze River is_____ in the world.A.one of the longer river B.one of the longest river C.one of the longest rivers D.the longest rivers2.Her boss seldom praised her since she made that mistake,_____she?A.does B.doesn't C.didn't D.did3.Wendy co 27.The servant asked,“Is there anything else I can do?”A.The servant asked was there anything else he can do.B.The servant asked there was anything else he could do.C.The servant asked if there was anything else he could do.D.The servant asked wh 英语的句子成分是怎样区分? 七年级下人教版英语的单词表 下面这些英语中考题目该怎么做?并告诉我为什么.1.It’s very ______ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup.A. for, of B. of, for C. of, to D. to, for13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exer 英语怎么区分句子中的成分!eg:Sun rises in the east every day.“in the east every day”是什么成分阿?Q:英语怎么区分句子中的成分! 英语中句子成分如何区分?要具体点的 英语翻译1.你认为体育课不重要吗?——不,Do you think____________________?—Yes,__________________.2.我认为历史课太乏味了.我希望上有趣的地理课.I think_______________.I hope___________________.3.跳水容易吗?— 英语翻译用以下短语:fight for;be named after;be based on;along with;be accustomed to1:双方都声称,他们是为维护美国的传统价值观而战.2:一旦人们习惯了免费获取信息,再说服他们付钱就很困难 翻译句子 英语高手进“My son,do 11 bethaks and 11 dands.Eat red lentils and bread made from whole wheat.Finish your work when it should be finished.Keep your mind focused,and have faith in God.This is what you need to do.That's all”——g 英语翻译一些句子、高手进、在线等1.walk on the sunshine 2.Are we bothering you ? 3.pass down through the family4.She was looped on the liquor 5.be aware 6.It's his attempt at coping7.moody 8.withdrawn 9.argumentatiue 10.hun 什么不同翻译成英语句子 有答案的英语卷 五年级英语第四单元,练习题.我要做试卷的, 描写水果的英语单词 求一篇英语作文,90词左右吧在很多公共场合,我们都可以看到“中式英文”的标示.是否清理这些中式英文?赞成:1.外国人看不懂.2.我们应该学习标准英语反对:1.中式英文丰富了英语.2.中式英 “水果”怎么拼 新鲜的水果”英语单词怎么写? 六、阅读理解(15分)This is our school library.It opens at 8:00 in the morning and closes at 5:30 in the atiernoon.There are many books in the library.We often come here to borrow or return books after class.When we borrow books,we must obey 两道英语回答题,急用!Tom,these books on the desk need to be put awayA I'll see to it laterB I'll see to them laterC I promiseWill books be replaced by computers one day?A Yes,it willB It doesn't matterC Maybe they will急用,在线等答案! 应该怎么做才能保护地球环境 英语作文50字 保护地球英语作文kngiu 关于保护地球的英语作文地球是人类的家园,但是现在存在大量的环境问题.比如水的污染,空气污染,噪音污染等我们应采取相应的措施.写作要求:1.地球对人类非常重要;2.地球上存在的污染 英语中表示“提高,改善”的单词或词组有哪些啊? 美国的缩写 磁铁为什么能吸住铁而对铝金等其它金属不管用? 磁铁可以吸附铁,怎样才可以吸附铝?不一定要用磁铁,可以考虑其他方式来吸附铝