
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:42:49
英语翻译Simon has been to school lots of times.He likes it very much.He has lots of food,beacuse the children bring sandwiches for their lunch and drop some crumbs.Simon knows the children come to school only on weekdays.So he often comes to scho 思美特少儿英语暑期什么时间开班呀 英语,完形填空,帮下忙 思美特少儿英语 暑假都哪些英语班呀 三个牛是什么字?三个直是什么字 还有三个牛字念什么啊? 四川化学竞赛预赛好过吗不是初赛 是省级预赛 一般多少分能上?求各位哥哥姐姐说下 回答必采纳,英语. 那个,我忘了语文作业是什么, 美剧里经常说的一个词,不知道怎么拼,但读音类似percetic 英语问题(各位大虾务必帮我)状语,标语,定语……什么语我搞不清啊啊啊 客体我要早于主体我是对还是错客体我和主体我分别是什么 英语翻译翻译下面一段:注意:130℃/3A-可恢复过热动断无源触点;需与热过载继电器的常闭触点串联使用. 完形填空来帮一下哈Food is important(重要的).Everyone needs to 16 well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our mind also needs a kind of food.This kind of food is 17 .We begin to get knowledge when we are very young.Small children are 完形填空.The computer plays an important part in our everyday life.It is one of the great __1__ in the world in the __2__ century.It works for us not only at home,in the offices,in big shops,__3__ at schools.Today it is used __4__ many ways.It re 完型填空(帮帮忙哈)Do you have anything ____(say)It was Sandy's tirst trip in a balloon .She ___(feel)very nervousWhen his mother got home,Jimmy___(put)the toys together busilyAfter walking to three hours ,we stopped___(have)a rest___you__ 帮我做哈这个完型填空啦 英语翻译不要只翻译表面的意思,要地道点,有内涵点! I simply must go but baby its cold outside I simply must go but baby its cold outside F(x)=∫(x^3,x^2)dt/(√1+t^4),求dF(x) 设F(x)=0到x的积分(x-t)f(t)dt,则dF(x)=,具体见图片 完形填空帮忙下. 世界上的女人是不是就像一条条船,一个男人上了一条船,是不是就不能上另外的船了? 我就像最后面那个男的 初一英语完形填空一篇,John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill.He called the doctor and made sure they 41_______ meet at five.He arrived at the doctor?s at twenty 42_______ five.He thought,“It's a little bit earlier.I'll wait for a 求一篇初一英语上学期的完形填空要选择的那种5题的 2009四川奥林匹克化学竞赛的时间初赛,想知道时间,地点 cracked version是什么意思 一把雨伞可以由12块完全相等的等腰三角形布缝合,量的其中一个△OAB的边OA=OB=56米,求(1)∠AOB的度数求(2)△OAB的面积 怎样把字写好?像这样的字 像“众”这样的字三个相同的字叠在一起的那种,要读音,还有翻译 cracked的中文解释