
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:09:29
奥运开幕入场式,入场的国家是按照英文首字母序还是汉语拼音首字母序啊? 求推荐类似于the game of love的歌曲我很喜欢类似THE GAME OF LOVE 这种风格的歌曲.有点点乡村风味,没有城市喧嚣的感觉!求推荐. 帮忙翻译But Pele’s love of the game was bound to return. we do the game in ( )(group).can you trll me about ( )(learn) to know?my grndpa has a lot of ( )(newspaper) to read.do you know the way ( )(use) reference books?my son is ( )(interest) in the story.用所给词适当形式填空 急用 如图12所示电路图中圆圈各表示什么电表,请用常用符号把它们标出来,若R1=10欧,R2=20欧,电源电压U=6v,则各表的读数各为多大? 检举灌水的问题如果我检举了一个灌水,但这个灌水被分类管理员删除了,那我检举算成功吗? 不定积分1 这样子可以吗 we use English in business and s()?it is s()in British,the United states,Australia. Australia and the United States have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world为什么用either what about —the lantern show this evening 请问,在英语中,形容词前一定要用be动词吗?是不是副词也是?(我指的是句式结构上的前面,可能还会在动词与形容词中间加个副词修饰形容词,这暂且不论)那要写个句子“表扬她做得很好” In Australia the Asians make their influnce ___ in business large and small 【寒假作业本】试着在大圆中填入一字,和周围的字组成新字.1、木马人才口心日市活耳2、各干几才木寸目才几干好的追加50分K~ In australia the asians make their influence felt in businesses large and small.主要是make their influence felt in 哪位大人能精翻下这句:please make sure that the LC expires in Australia and not in China如题 试着在大圆中间填入一个字和周围的字组成新字 试着在大圆中填入一个字.和周围的字组成新字. What about those的意思 试着在大圆中填入一个字,和周围的字组成新子. 平平淡淡才是真怎么理解? 关于感恩教师的寄语,30字以下. 感恩寄语卡怎么做 给自己最感激的一位同学的赠言 深圳市南山区在什么地方啊深圳市南山区在什么地方啊 用所给动词的适当形式填空 What about (play) table tennis? What about ___(play) table tennis aften school?—Can you ___(cook),Daming?用所给词的适当形式填空—Can you ___(cook),Daming?—Yes,i can. My mother is (playing table tennis).(用what提问) I can ( ),(pIay the/pIay)table tennis 为什么会有近日点,远日点? 求R1,R2的电阻, 求电阻R1与R2之比电路中,电源电压保持不变,开关s由断开到闭合,电流表两次示数之比是1:5,由此可知,并联电阻R1与R2之比是 电阻先串后并的结构,等效电阻为R=(R1+R2)//R3 这个公式中的“//”是什么意思~!是等号还是其他的什么意思...