
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 18:20:23
请问fun的感叹句用how还是what ----it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day!变感叹句用how fun 还是what fun it's fun to do 换成 感叹句是what fun 还是 how funit's fun to play with them=______ _______ it is to play with them. The movie is fun to watch.这句话中to watch做什么语法成分是主语补足语吗? it is fun ()(watch)a movie What fun it is to watch this movie!在这个句子中to watch this movie是什么成分? It is very funny to watch the movies without (voice/voice) I finished my homework by (myself/me) 为什么花生叫花生为什么花生叫花生 It is fun ————(watch)TV. Watching TV is very --------(fun) It is fun[watch] people in the mall.填watching or to watch?Please tell me why. The comedy kung fu panda is really fun_______ A.to watch B.watches C.watching D.watch 仿写句子:桌子说:做人要脚踏实地;粉笔说:做人要有自我牺牲精神.我要仿写这样的一个句仿写句子:桌子说:做人要脚踏实地;粉笔说:做人要有自我牺牲精神.我要仿写这样的一个句 rainbow读音 英语翻译 手脑速算的品牌在慧沃网有介绍吗? 从一根截面直径是6分米的圆柱形钢材上截下2米,每立方分米钢重7.8千克,截下的这段钢重多少千克?不要用* ^代替... 不要只写答案要具体算式做得好做得对加分 从一根横截面直径是6分米的圆柱形钢材上截下2米,已知每立方分米钢重7.8千克,截下的这段钢重多少千克? I d like to watch a football match __5:00p.m.v3__TV中间空白处应填什么? The football match is going to__(televise)so we shall be able to watch it on tv I must hurry.I want to get home ____ to watch the football match on TV.A on timeB in timeC at onceD just then 一个长方体长9厘米宽6厘米高3厘米切割成3个体相等长方体他的表面积可能增加多少平方厘米 一个长9厘米,宽6厘米,高3厘米的长方体,切割成3个体积相等的长方形,表面积最大可增加多少平方厘米 aa的平方+2a+b的平方-6b+10=0,求a,b的值. 容积14.7立方米,真空度小于等于3Pa,需用多大的真空泵.抽气时间在十五分钟内. 一根圆柱形钢材长5米,横截面的直径是2厘米.如果每立方分米钢材重7.8克,这根钢材重多少 修改病句 We often watch football match on TV together. We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV together这句是个改错题,这句话里为什么要把for 去掉?还有match 为什么要变成matches? I often watch football matches on TV改为一般疑问句 I often watch football matches on TV every Sunday. Lily often()a big football game on TV.写出括号里正确的单词提示(watch) 把一个长9厘米,宽3厘米,高3厘米的长方体切割成3个体积相等的正方体,表面积最大可增加几平方厘米!