
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 02:11:17
Your flat needs 填空.would you like me 填空 it for you.b cleaning doing c cleaning to do d to be cleaned doing 前面一个空不需要解释我后面那个不太清楚语法点在哪 填空 What ( ) would you like? 英语翻译I have a brother who is the same age as me.We are both 16.Yesterdaywas an important dayfor us and our friends.In the morning most of us had a big exam atthe technical(技术的) college and then last night there was a big meetingat the yo (1) I,block,and,the,kitty,in,same,live(.) (2)75,my,are,old,both,grandparent,years(.)连词组句city,in,mother,a,my,hospital,our,works,in(。) 英语翻译Are the meanings of equivalent words exactly the same in both languages?怎么翻译顺畅,全文是关于中英文词和语法互译的... 简述康德批判哲学的主要特征及意义.809099170 简述 康德对黑格尔哲学的批判和继承 康德哲学故事rt哲学小故事,简短的…… I like drawing picture写出问句 根据句意或提示写出合适的单词:I`m i______in Art.I like drawing picture.这题我和家人都想不出答案,(上面的题目出自《实验班·提优训练》五年级下册P10第八大题第八小题) 1.i think the potatoes are too______(厚的)2.the_______(顾客)ask for some hamburgers3.Many young people like to_______(点菜)potato chips I DON'T THINK THE NEWS ARE GOOD哪里有错 I think the .I don’t thinkI think the panda lives only in China.我认为熊猫只生活在中国.I don’t think chickens can swim.我觉得鸡不会游泳.肯定句的时候为什么要加the,the panda. Are you a sb?Don't answer,I think you are the biggest sb. 为什么把他们排列成这种顺序:1水平如镜2微波荡漾3波澜起伏4汹涌澎湃? 汹涌澎湃的意思 谁能给我些词语?四字的最好是abcc是写散文能派上用场 很美的词语 比如:杨柳依依啊 细雨蒙蒙啊不要那种没用的!请合作我要优美的!能写散文用得着的 帮我找两个ABCC的词语,和AABC的词 all应该怎么用?(如:also是放在be动词后和行为动词前) all在be动词和实义动词什么位置 两数相除商28余7,被除数539除数是多少? talk,ask,be,say,like,can,play,help的过去时和比较时分别是什么?急集! play的过去时? walk\study\wish\play\rain\go\die\run\come\do\fly\stop\see\swim\buy的过去时和 He's fourteen years old fourteen years old对划线部分提问 绿色开花植物的生殖当受精过程完成后,这是组成的花的花冠啊,什麼什麼的啊都凋落了,这种现象有什麼意义? 两数相除,商9余20,被除数最小是多少 求 急用 AABB、ABCC的词语 I would like to give you a prisonS什么意思 AABB,ABCC的词语30个(最好不要有:大大小小,多多少少类的) I would like to give you aprison .什么I would like to give you aprison . 需要AABB和ABCC式的词语各20个.