
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:18:29
智能ABC 不能组词例如我打毓婷 我都打了四次了 现在打yu t还是不能出现 以前就是打了以后词组就自动出现了着是怎么回事呢 问一个句子翻译.he can not afford not to sth.到底是可以负担起,还是负担不起啊?不是双中否定等于肯定嘛? can't afford to do sth的反义 智能ABC可以造词不? the girl()the read dress is my sister.A.wears B.puts on C.in D.with 几道英语同义句转换1.He had a good rest after he had lunch.He ____ ____ a good rest ____ he had lunch.2.Lin Tao didn't pass the math exam last week.Lin Tao ____ ____ the matn exam last week.3.You must speak English as you can.YOU must speak E 问几道英语的同义句转换1)My sister is short of money.2)Is a computer clever than 3) I am unaware of the importance of learning it.4)It is longer than any other river in China.5)Chapter 1 is not so important as Chapter 2. 请各位帮忙做几道英语同义句的转换!1.they wang to see movies.they want to ____ _____the movies.2.jimmy goes to the movies with his father.jimmy _____his father _____to zhe movies.3.l think thirllers are very exciting.l think _____ _____ 问几道英语同义句转换.(急)1.Lucy often helps her mother do some housework.2.There may be a test next work.3.For the time being ,we can go there.4.Sue is not as careful as Mary. 几道英语的同义句转换同义句转换最好写原因1 Nick is a friend of mine (写两种)2 Why don't you bring your sister here?3 It is nice to meet you 4 Mike plays very happily 英语翻译Sometimes just reading the name of a place…near home…Sorell Cove.Bishop’s Creek.Those places belonged to people before us.To the Cherokee.What did he call Cold Mountain?How could a name…not even a real name…break your heart?It 哪种车标志是个8字 求 what we cannot afford to lose 三分钟演讲稿 参加演讲赛初赛 要求:不要网上现有的 what we cannot afford to 要写一篇演讲稿,能给点建议吗?最好是自己的想法…… 英语演讲《what we can not afford to lose》只要思路和主题.要新颖点的.我自己想到的都是环境、信念之类的老掉牙的. 如何提高思维速度可以瞬间反应 怎么提高思维速度 怎么用一个词或一个短句来形容表面正派,内心邪恶的人如题 表面衣冠楚楚内心很邪恶的人可以用什么成语形容?除了衣冠禽兽 形容自己罪恶很深的四字词语 give me hope,pride and desire to fight for my fate中文是什么 求以My favourite festival为题目的小学英语作文 以“My favourite festival ”写一篇短文 要求:1.文章不少于40个单词,至少三种句型.(一般将来时,现在进行时,一般现在时) 2.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范. 写作英语小短文:三种以上句型,四十个单词 My favourite festival阅读短文,判断对错It's Friday morning.Tom comes to Mr White's house.Mr White is his neighbour."Oh!It's you,little Tom.Come in,please."Mr White opens the door."Good 一道关于集合的数学题,M={x|x-m小于等于0},N={y|y=(x-1)2-1,x属于R,若M交N=空集,则实数m的取值范围是? 一道关于集合的数学题(过程,已知集合A={x|x²+px+q=0},B={x|qx²+px+1=0},同时满足:①A∩B≠空集;②-2∈A(p,q≠0),求p,q的值. 一道关于集合的数学题(详细解答)2.对某地农村家庭拥有电器情况抽样调查如下:有电视机的占60%;有洗衣机的占有55%;有电冰箱的占45%;至少有上述三种电器中的两种以上的占55%;三种都有的 数学题,找解集步骤(三分之一)的x次方+1>0 I work hard with potential 什麽意思?是我有潜能努力工作,还是在我潜力的基础上我会努力工作 If you work hard ,you'll meet with s . 比较菜________ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.A) EachB) AnyC) EitherD) One为什么选B?如果是A应该怎么样?If these shoes are too big,ask the clerk to bring you a smaller ________.A) suitB) setC) on 8到15题.求解.给好评的.