
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 12:08:32
What (be) five and six? It(be) eleven. 填写 设计R中=10KΩ的欧姆表,现有两块量程100μA 的电流表,其内阻分别为2500Ω和1000ΩRT~你认为选哪块较好~ 欧姆表的量程决定于什么 电源电压 还是电流表的量程?内部构造中 有一个电源和滑动变阻器呀 就是说 表本身的量程 是取决于内部电源电压还是与之连接的表头的量程大小?或者简单来说1.1 制作一个量程为100 欧姆 1000欧姆 10K欧姆 10M欧姆的三位显示电阻表三档自动量程转换功能 求3月10日托福小马机经(阅读+听力+口语+写作),如果有新东方机经追加金币. 09年托福机经+08、09托福阅读听力加试 2013年1月份托福机经!小马机经最好,大范围1月的机经.要是有小范围更好了,1月26日、27日的! 求小马过河6—8月托福机经V9.0 口语写作听力阅读,邮箱secihuang@sina.com.如果有别的版本的机经一起发吧 英汉互译4.第2课(英语)用适当的数词填空5.Three and five is( ).6.Eight minus four is( )7.There are( )minutes in an hour.8.There are ( )days in January.6:20(英语)1:50(英语)12:45(英语)3:30(英语)单项选择9.W She was so sad that she spent the whole day___in her own roomA.locked B.locking C.to lock D.to be locked she (v.)to work in the hospital to help the sick people 第二单元的单词)大神求教 努力跟上你的步伐 用英语怎么说rt、 jim is doing a homework p______ in his room play doing in in the his garden room is his homework he or 连词成句 Fred is in his room.He is doing his homework."Homework isn't nice,"he says to Tiger."Tiger is my friend,"he writes."He is my cat.He is small and his eyes are green.I give him fish and milk."Tiger looks at Fred."Fish?Milk?"Fred says,"I can't come now. im is in his room.He is doing his homework Homework isn't nice ,"he say to Tiger ."T."Tiger is my friend,"he writes."He is my cat.He is small and black and his eyes are green. I give him fosh and milk."Tiger looks at Tim."Fish or Milk?"Tim say ,"Ican these prawns are twenty-five yuan.对twenty-five yuan提问 Ann's bike is yellow and white?对“Ann's”提问_____ bike _____yellow and white?一空一词 Amy goes to work (at six o'clock) (These) book is yours. Five and six (gets eleven)Jimmy is late for school (because he's ill)快!今天作业,跪求问题补充: Amy goes to work (at six o'clock)(These) book is yours.Five and six (gets eleven)各 these prawns are twenty-five yuan.对twenty-five提问对twenty-five yuan提问 托福综合写作 阅读部分限时 有一个电流表G,内阻Rg=10Ω满偏电流Ig=3mA.要把它改装成量程0 —3V的电压表,要串联多大的电阻?改装后电压表的内阻是多大 有一只两个量程的电压表,两量程分别是3V和1V,如图所示,电流表G满偏电流Ig=1mA,内阻Rg=150Ω,求R1,R2PS:我就是图不怎么懂. 有一个电流表G,内阻Rg=30Ω,满偏电流是Ig=1mA,要把它改装为量程为0~3v的电压表,怎样改装?改装的电阻多大?解析过程有一个步骤是Ur(串联的电阻分到的电压)=U-Ug=2.97V题目中没有说U是多少,怎么能 形容前瞻性的战略该怎么翻译?最好能用一个词 有关战争谋略的词语四字词语也行 什么词语的意思是惊人的机智,巧妙的谋划,形容有预见,善于估计客观情势,决定策略 同义句原句now it is six forty five 同义句now it is ____ ____ ______ _____ _____,she went back to her room.a.there wasno cause for alarmb.being no cause for alarmc.without having cause for alarmd.there being no cause for alarm it's twelye forty-five now 同义句 She wants _____ the key to her room.A.takeB.takingC.to takeD.takes ___she went bark to her room.A there was no cause for clarm B being no cause for clarm Cthere being no cause for clarm D without having cause for clarm为什么选C,其它选项为什么不对?