
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 05:56:29
戊戌变法的内容如何触动封建统治 急… The book is expensive.改为感叹句 Without gravity,we____able to walk.A.were B.should be C.can be D.should not be Where were you on earth? she Groove Croverage 的歌词要中英互译的. 戊戌变法中 顽固守旧派和维新变法派都有谁? l am late for the meeting( )the hl am late for the meeting( )the heavy rain. I am late for the League meeting,______I?A.isn it B.am not C.are not 选哪个啊麻烦说下理由 连词成句 1why i am late strange are they the for meeting 哲学:一切都会过去和一切都不会过去哪句话更有哲理?为什么? 人的一生什么事都会有第一次、什么都是学的、和经历过的、用哲学怎么说? 笑一笑、真的什么事情都会过去吗? I wanna bring you into my heart 翻译‘任何事情都会过去,都会淡忘 ’.为英语 We’re meeting at 6:00 prompt.Don’t be late,please. i live ___ grise fjord ____ northern canada里面填什么介词,为什么 英语填介词 I'm upset myself because I didn't英语填介词 I'm upset myself because I didn't hand in my homework this morning. 历史上有没有壮志难酬或怀才不遇的人当上了皇帝,简介 我国怀才不遇的诗人都有谁?我国怀才不遇的诗人都有谁? My father is a teather in____university.A.a B.an C.the 该选哪个?为什么? “迟延”“绝口不提”的近义词?“失信”“拒绝”的反义词? My father worked in a bank in 1990改否定句 理屈的近义词,失信的反义词 where did you buy __,I want...Your digital watch is quite nice.Where did you buy ____?I want to buy ____,too.A.one;one B.it;itC.it;one D.one;it 卡夫卡的《桥》这篇文章中,桥的特征和意义是什么?A孤独的桥:_________B自信的桥:_________C不安的桥:_________D好奇的桥:_________E翻塌的 卡夫卡到底是怎样的一个人?(转) Where did you_ that hat?obtaintake getgain选出正确答案,给出理由及翻译 -I'd like to buy a new house in the center of th-I'd like to buy a new house in the center of the city for rent at this special time .-oh ,I never doubt___ it is worth ___ to buy new house.A.whether,continuing B.whether,to continue C.that,continue 洋务运动时的主张用简短话语回答,别从别的地方粘一大段过来!师夷长技以制夷与师夷长技以自强有什么不同呢? 变形虫的分裂生殖是无丝分裂还是有丝分裂? 求一帅气,自然点的英文名 用英语说:我不能去接你.