
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:50:09
伊人已去 念伊已憔悴 求对下句.要求:第一句和第二句伊和已谐音 而且每句都有出现 那么接下来的两句很有难度哦...这也是别人问我的. Rebalances your hair for healthier condition中文意思是什么 用如 如 如 如 造句 , (),没有(),没有(),可是().造句,我不会,谢谢 谁会写5个元音字母大小写 元音字母的大小写 为什么新闻写作要坚持方向性原则 用事实说话是新闻写作的基本方法和要求,因此在表达方式上以什么为主,也可以穿插少量的什么? I don't need a perfect relationship,I just need someone who won't give up on me.求翻译 I don,t need a perfect relashionship i just need someone who never give Upon me 这句英文怎么翻译?中文是什么意思 How long will you stay in NeW YorK?(同义句) How lHow long will you stay in NeW YorK?(同义句)How long are you ——— in NeW YorK? 根据所给的提示词,写出英语句子.(stay,Sydney) How long _ you parents 填空 5W's and 1H 孩子英语划线部分找发音不同的词总是错,有什么办法可以帮助她? DO you believe in fate?I believe that my hand is here,could you take my hand go! 怎样用7个字形容白雪纷纷何所似不要,撒盐空中差可拟,未若柳絮因风起. I do not believe that fate,but I believe I have God I have prepared my best for the other half最贴切的翻译 秋天树叶每种都有哪些特点 什么是职场中的“5W1H”法则? Coat和sweater和they翻译成汉语是什么意思? Can you give a hand to correct my composition again?i will feel be thankful deeply.Dear Editor,I am writing to response the following letter which is about against maintaining public libraries is a waste of government money.The date is 7,February.I a From my hands I can give you something that I made翻译成中文什么意识?知道的麻烦下谢谢哈From my hands I can give you something that I made From my mouth I can sing you another bridge that I made From my body I can show you a 植物落叶,体现了生物特征是? give me your hand 和 give me a hand 有什么区别? 翻译 give away my ideas to great causes that i care deeply about (外语)从A,B,C,D中选出划线部分的读音与其他3个不同的选项1.( )A.bread b.clean c.meal d.tea (ea)2.( )a.flower b.brown c.show.d.how(ow)3.( )a.work b.fork c.door d.floor(or最后两个oor)4.( )a.beer b.there c.here d.dear(ere最 英译汉the one you 英译汉the one you i believe ——that you will succeed(firm坚定的) Believe that ,I will kill you.请问这句话有没有语法错误若有,请写出改正后的句子若没有,这是个什么从句,或者什么其他的句子. 带数字的两个字的网名 类似于 古7 这样的、、要好听啊 古代人的名什么时候开始用两个字?我发现三国时期人的名就一个字,什么时候开始用两个字? 求几个古代名字 两个字的 一定是要两个字和古代人物的