
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 00:17:09
上海市同济中学上学和放学什么时间?听说高一有德语, 有知道酷酷口语怎么样的嘛?酷酷口语怎么样?学费贵不贵? he also wants to fly in the sky .now he has the__ 被动语态will后面为什么要加be? 可以说the exam will be finished in an hour的被动语态表达那可不可以用the exam will end in an hour的主动语态表达或另一种用主动语态表达的写法请举例! 什么是will be published,是被动语态吗?同标题 谁知道IT高级商务英语词汇那本书好相对而言那本书比较好... 以X,Y,Z,Q,开头的单词`拜托了各位 如题````` 河流会自然改变方向吗?“自然”哦!(非人工!)比如一条河本来向东流后来会向西流吗?(不是指河流拐弯) look,it,the,all,boys写连词成句 赵彦端 憔悴天涯,故人相遇情如故.别离何遽,忍唱阳关句!憔悴天涯,故人相遇情如故.别离何遽,忍唱阳关句!我是行人,更送行人去.愁无据.寒蝉鸣处,回首斜阳暮.这首词的上阙哪个词最能体现作 为什么以Q,X,Z等开头的英文单词比较少?现在整理一些重要单词时发现的,觉得奇怪,欢迎大家讲出自己的见解拉~ z、x、n开头的单词有哪些? 请问你考过BEC吗? 英语翻译阿黛尔的rolling in the deep里的一句,看了翻译感觉这句让我很纠结啊``````````BE TOLD为什么这么翻译?我英语没学好么```````````````啊啊啊啊 我要的不是翻译句子,我是求为什么TO BE TOLD 这么 The sales staff are all knowledgeable,helpful and cheerful.中cheerful Government forces have regained control of the city.中control前为什么不加the?He's so cheerful and interests himself so much about every little trifle.中interests The sleig 请问下这句话何意?I have had a question about the staff and citizenship.Are all the staff.I have had a question about the staff and citizenship.Are all the staff PRC citizens or do any hold other passports like Australia or Hong Kong. Expressions:Sales representatives are not motivated and staff turnover is high. 翻译:Staff was generally very helpful and accomodating. 求一篇英文对话,What are friends for?.三个人,尽量长一点. 父爱,如大海般深沉而宽广.是谁写的 中码用英文怎么说 心用英语怎么读有谐音 “心”用英语怎么念? 上联:读感父爱深沉 读心用英语怎么读 把英语写下来 英语翻译RT,帮忙翻译下,送你个五分, 谁知道哪里有英语新闻要7月份的.说是要七月份的新闻每周一份那!T.T救救我吧~ HOW ABOUT YOUR ENGLISH的意思意思到底是:你的英语怎么样?还是:如何提高你的英语?不太明白,请大家给个合适的翻译. jun 第四声 圆满( )工 简单的定语从句Not far from the club ,there was a garden ,___________owner was seated in it ,playing bridge with his children every afternoon.A.its B.whose C.which D.of which我认为BD都可,定语从句搞不清楚...我好笨. 不同种笑的英文分别是什么?