
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:30:41
请问什么二项式定理 1/1*2+1/2*3+1/3*4+……+1/n(n+1)=? 一道初中数学题,急啊~~~!在线等如图所示,你能将一个正三角形分成8个大小,形状一样的直角三角形吗?若能,请画出图形;若不能,请说明理由. 必须是大小,形状一样的直角三角形啊,是直角. 在等式y=ax平方(x的平方)+bx+c中,当x=1时,y=-2;当x=-1时,y=20;当x=二分之三与x=三分之一时,y的值相等.求a,b,c的值.用三元一次解. where were you on…?when were you at…?加地点为什么后面同样是加地点,然而他们的介词却不一样呢? .I know where does she live.2.He said that he is playing football at that time.3.The teacher said we all know the f_ that she is a blind 英语翻译十万火急哟! 1.如果你努力去发现美好,美好会发现你;如果你努力去尊重他人,你去会获得别人尊重;如果你____________,你也________________.2.真诚是美酒,年份越久越香浓;真诚是焰火,在高处绽放才越是美丽 I was crossing the street,where were you in store pickup是什么意思 in store for 如题 布莱克一家将去海南度假英语怎么写 The blacks _____ _____ _____ ______ in Hainan 翻译It is __ __ in Shenyang ___ in Hainan.(沈阳比海南冷得多.) Where were you when I was burned and broken?Where were you when I was hopeless?Where were you when I was burned and broken?Where were you when I was hopeless?Because the things you say and the things you do surround me.I was staring straight into the where were you when the lights went out 讨论函数f(x)=x/tanx的连续性,并判断间断点的性质?答案说x→0,lim x/tanx=1,所以x=0处是可去间断点x→kπ,lim x/tanx=∞,所以x=kπ (k≠0)处是无穷间断点x→kπ+π/2,lim x/tanx=0,所以x=kπ+π/2处是可去间断点 英语区别What.what a .how .how a.顺便解答下下面一题Look at the picture._______beautiful Dalian is I'll go there this summer holiday.A.What a B.What C.How D.How a redeem什么意思 redeem redeem在这里是什么意思啊? 数学问题--linear system 知道方程怎么画图?如题 请举个例子 由于写曲线方程难,我就在画图里面写了题目,附在下面 高中数学怎么知道方程式来画图.我一直都不会画 关于 椭圆的方程式画图 椭圆的通式是 x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1 ,椭圆的焦点是靠 x,y谁的分母大决定的,这点大家都知道.我想问的是:在画图时,当我遇到一个方程式,比如是:x^2/3+y^2/4=1,我已经知道 它的 求4的x平方减2的x平方减1的值域 4的x平方减2的x平方减1的值域 There’s an old bike under the big tree对 an old 提问( )( )old bikes ( )there under the big tree y=(1/2)x平方-2x的值域 谁有世界主要航海线和重要港口表示的地图,要看得清的,谢谢. 求珠三角港口地图,要求清晰、无广告. 化简(1+根号x)^5+(1-根号x)^5用二项式定理算 谁有中国主要海港和航线分布图我想用来做作业,要写出13个海港(标出具体位置) 关于二项式定理的化简.如带根号的 根号(5√x)^r ,5是小5.在根号左上角、 怎么化简为x的指数式子?又如(2/√x)^r怎么化简?(1/4x)^r 怎么化简?