
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:22:29
l like to play games with my friends after class 对所句子提问 Alice is my good friend and I always play games with _____.A she B her C herself D hers 用play,sometimes,i,with,friends,sports,my连成句子 请问:关于李白小时候的故事(除去铁杵磨成针)有什么呢? The astronauts in Shenzhou VI had as many as 50 dishes to choose from.To test which foods are better for a long space journey,the astronauts in Shenzhou VI had as many as 50 dishes to choose from.为什么一定要说to choose from,用to choose哪有 They started ___(work) on Shenzhou VII soon after the success of Shenzhou VI.I am sorry that I ___(not tell)you about that earlier. The spaceship Shenzhou VI ________ (fly) in space for five days last year. 【紧急】以“礼物”为题的作文该怎么写? they can find nothing strange(同义句) i don`t think they can find______ 1.something strange 2.anything strange 3.strange something4.nothing strange strange can't they find anything 怎么连成一句话 They can't find any secrets 的同义句 It's time () play games.A.forB.onC.to 滴水穿石的启示读后感450字要450,450字! They saw how the space shuttle took off in space and later landed on earth _______.A.alreadyB.tooC.againD.badly答案为什么是again?不是再一次啊.A应该可以吧. when the memory into the When the past into 求阿姆的WHEN I'M GONE歌词 l am going to play the piano this weekend.对play the piano 提问 I'm going to see a movie with my friends this weekend of,my,is,the,jingjing,dog,name.连词成句 name what of is place the this怎么连词成句 Jack,brother,the,of,name,is,my连词成句 用这三种修辞手法各写一个句子1.香港,让我拉住你的手,倾听最后一分钟的风雨归程.2.所有礼炮都是世纪的钟声.3.香港,香港,我们的心! 用三种修辞手法写一个句子 越多越好 matlab 图像处理 我在图像的每一个点上,以该店为圆心,画半径从1:20的圆,意思是每个点都画20个圆每个点上,20个圆,这样看来,我用了3个for 循环,但是程序时间效果不好,运行时间太长,有没有其他 much in/to our surprise?选哪个介词 To our surprise, the stranger ___ to be an old friend of our mother’s.A. turned out B. turned down C. turned in D. turned off His early________was to our surprise.(arrive) 唇亡齿寒文言文短片翻译 英语翻译晋侯复假道于虞以伐虢.宫之奇谏曰:“虢,虞之表也;虢亡,虞必从之.晋不可启,寇不可翫;一之谓甚,其可再乎?谚所谓‘辅车相依,唇亡齿寒’者,其虞、虢之谓也.” 不需要百度百科 《跨越百年的美丽》原文语句的理解她知道只有发现、创造之花才有永开不败的美丽.所以她甘愿让酸碱啃蚀她柔美的双手,让呛人的烟气吹皱她秀美的额头.这句话的理解!21点之前!