
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:14:10
麻烦改下这三篇英语改错 跪谢 谁知道这篇英语改错怎么改?Many years ago,I stepped a bookstore for some 1.---------books I wanted them.While I was there, I saw a young 2.---------- boy of about 12 came into the store . The bo 形容词-tive,-cal后缀意思和用法上有什么区分? 110用英语怎么说 这道英语改错怎么改?两句比较一下.为什么一个对一个错:(1) When it debuted, the show was criticized by the press for being sophomoric; by the time the show reached it's third season, however, some critics came to appreciate the be+动词ing的问题在初二英语课本里第二课有这样一些句子:1.I am not feeling well.2.You are enjoying my school 3.My putonghua is not improving.等等类似的句子.我以前学过动词加-ing表现在进行时和表将来时态, be动词后为何只能加动词ing形式或ed形式? 英文改错~,觉得有什么地方不对,:Why still i miss you,and why do i be nervous when you go into my sight?(后一部分我想写进入眼帘,不知道是不是这样)一定要语法正确啊!而且要解释为什么 求一篇英语小文章 好的追加50分!要有翻译的,初一水平就行,不要太多五六十字左右.最好能出1~5题关于文章的题目,也不要太难,原文中就要有答案的.一定要有中文翻译! 动词后作宾补介词短语介词选择简单一点就是说accuse sb.of burglary为什么不可以是accuse sb burglary还有为什么一定是OF而不是其他呢?他们的选择是如何确定的?但是我在网上的确找到一点资料,2:o 介绍一种地方食物的作文最好是些什么北京烤鸭,羊肉泡馍之类的,500字以上,600字以下 求一片关于介绍地方的作文!介绍梅州的灵光寺、重点写生死树.要以导游的口吻写这篇作文.500字以上 介绍一个自己喜欢的地方作文不要有人名不要介绍家乡 介绍个补习作文的地方. 介绍你住的地方有些什么的作文? 翻译——请问最近的超市在哪里? “在超市附近”翻译成英文 五年级上册期末试卷(语文s版) 各种颜色的英文缩写谁知道啊?比如,红色=red 谁知道 的 英文缩写是什么? 以传递为题的作文600-900字 以''传递''……为题,写一篇作文 以传递为题的作文(需原创) 生活中传递的现象很多,如传递火炬,传递快乐,传递爱心… …传递的方式也多样,这一切都给你诸多感受和启迪.传递不仅是一种形式,更是一个过程.也许你曾经是现在仍是传递的组织者,或是参 以传递快乐为题的作文 1.( )you( )(play)football?yes.I will2.wait here pleaic.I( )(come)back coom3.Tomorrow.I( )(go)fishing with my father4.He often( )(go)fishing on weekends5.The boy( )(be)sixteen years old next year6.( )you( )(paly)baskeaball nith Bob?yes.I a 关于英语形容词后缀这几个英语形容词后缀有什么区别?-able -ful -ing-ed-nal-tive-nary还有啥想不起来了~ 英语有几题不会啊!帮帮忙忙1.With all this work on hand,he _ to the cinema night.A must not goB would not goC ought not goD should not have goone 2 The line is busy,someone_the telephone now.A should be usingB must have beenusingC usesD 常用英语形容词后缀有哪些 请指出下列各句中的错误,并改正过来1.We didn't buy something at all2.Ther is anything in the fridge3.Something come here every day 有点英语题目不会 大家帮下忙Part One: Vocabulary and Structure1. She worked in the hospital ______ a nurse at first, but now she has become a director. a. as b. like c. at d. for2. The teacher asked his students if they It's thin and brown .It't got four legs and a long tail.It likes eating bananas and climbing trees.It's very clever.What is it?打一动物