
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 04:11:08
《七律 长征》读了这首诗,我的眼前浮现了红军战士____、____、____、____、____等五幅画面. 因式分解-9x+四分之一+81x的平方 I lost my way( )a snowy night and my sister was quite worried( )me.A.on,with B.on,about C.at,with D.at,about讲一下原因, next week i speak to my sister about u and me. 七律长征在什么情况下写的 4500=x-x*0.16 x是多少? 《七律长征》何时写的 x/1.6=0.08用方程怎么解 是谁写的?的作者是谁?) 9x+4分之1+81x平方 因式分解:-9x+1/4+81x^2 My sister( )(like)to play football 证明关于X的方程(x-a)(x-a-b)=1的两个根中的一个大于a,另一个小于a they have four classes in the morning神马意思 they have four classes in the morning改为单数形式是什么 they have four classes in the moring.提问They have four classes in the moring.写成英语的问句 方程组6m+n=6+3a m+5n=2-a 的解满足m+n大于且等于6,求a的范围 若方程组/5m+n=1-a 的就满足m+n>0,则a的取值范围为:\m+5n=2 A:a>3 B:a<3 C:a≥3 D:a≤3若方程组/5m+n=1-a 的就满足m+n>0,则a的取值范围为:\m+5n=2 A:a>3 B:a<3 C:a≥3 D:a≤3 My sister isn't afraid to speak in p___ My sister used to c___ gum a lot .What about you - I think about _____ (go)to my sister's.How about you - I'll just stay at home _____ (watch) TV . they tell us some ways ( )English well.A each B learning C to learn D teaching .请问哪个对? 方程组 3/m-2/n=2 5m-2n=4 when do you have english classes?we have english classes ____ monday___ friday 用方程组解答,二元一次方程,用初二的只是回答小明以两种形式分别储蓄了2000元和1000元,一年后全部取出,扣除利息所得税后可得利息43.92元.已知这两种储蓄年利率的和为3.24%,问:这两种储蓄 5m-n=7 5m+2n=-2 加减法方程组 详细过程. We often have English classes in the morning.改为We often have English classes in the morning.改为过去时 Some students had more specific ways__(learn) English 解方程组:3m-5n+23=0,5m+n-27=0要过程的 Frank will cone up with some ways to learn more English(改为同义句)Frank will ()()some ways to learn more English 已知{m=-2 n=1是关于m.n的方程组{am+3b=n 5n+bm=3a的解 英语好的人进来 My sister (是don't还是doesn't?) like banan英语好的人进来My sister (是don't还是doesn't?) like bananaTom likes (是hamburger还是pears?)(是Do还是Does?) you like booksDo they like (是pear还是pears还是tomatous?