
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 09:28:18
关于一个政治方面的问题.大家觉得如果台统一了中国,我们的老百姓会富裕幸福吗? 解释一下几个意大利句子的意思Natale con i tuoi,Pasqua con chi vuoi还有 il Locale o Regionale collega piccole città all'interno della stessa regione,si ferma in tutte le stazioni e offre posti di sola 2a classe.IL Diretto fa meno ferma 为什么意大利男人的性格普遍是对女人话语比较多,但对男人就比较少. 英语翻译Having children was much more dangerous in those days;one in every nine women died in childbirth.Even so,women used to have many more children than they do today:in 1800 the average American family had sevev children --today the average i sb is a teacher now可不可以改写成sb is now a teacher 或者sb now is a teacher 为什么 天下有雪《 三叠 》作者是谁?“将军谈笑弯弓,秦王一怒击缶.“天下谁与付吴钩?遍示群雄束手.“昔时寇,尽王侯,空弦断翎何所求?“铁马秋风人去后,书剑寂寥枉凝眸.“昔有朝歌夜弦之高楼,上 谁能告诉我自己对这个词的独特见解?本人总感觉这个词有些特殊的含义,但有说不上来.是的,就是天下有雪. 天下有雪 繁体字怎么写有的 为什么她是那么不理解我究竟我要怎么做 劳动争议的处理方式? 解决劳动争议应当遵循的原则? #儿时疑惑#为什么萤火虫会发光? #儿时疑惑#为什么萤火虫会闪闪发光?是因为他们把灯泡吞到肚子里了吗? #儿时疑惑#萤火虫会飞上天去变成星星吗? 如梦令的写作顺序填空 沉醉—( )—( )争渡—( )还有,麻烦告诉一下乌衣巷后两句写一句话怎么写啊!大姐大哥们,求求你们告诉俺吧,急死偶了! 为什么萤火虫小时候是吃蜗牛的呢?萤火虫那么小,蜗牛比它大呢 have advice come good surise build do science friend hear 填空1.In English,I'm __ at reading than listening2.There is a tall __ in front of the post office3.I was sorry __ that he had a cold last week4.Could you please give me some __ for my study? someone who have good eyesight为什么要用have不用三单. 各棱长为1 的正四棱锥的体积是rt 学了物理以后我深深有种觉得自己被控制的感觉是不是我已经疯了?但是我感受到大自然强大的力量,包括我的每个想法,以及在这里打字. 接济是什么意思 接济的意思5年级下学期第11课 接济的意思是什么 Do you regret paying 5,000dollars for the computer?No,I would gladly pay ()for ittwice many,twice as many ,twice as much ,twice so much应该填哪个?求详细的分析,两倍的价钱应该怎么表示, 接济什么意思 接济的解释 do you regret paying five dollars for the book?no,i _twice as much for itA would gladly have paid B had galdly paid Cgladly paid 疯狂猜图 端午日一文中作者是从什么角度入手,写出龙舟争渡时的那种热闹、欢腾的场面的?... some of my friends in my class are from( )parent families?A.single B.doubleC.oneD.two it is said that in some single parent families children live a miserable life 我买了一个改密码 的密码本可是密码忘了,是4组每组8个数字一到八的.这个样子的怎么解啊!