
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:19:09
英语单数第三人称的fly要不要加es.如果不加es,加什么? 1.This book was written______lu xun A.by B.of C.with D.in 英语翻译山东济南历下区泉城路188号 恒隆广场我自己找的翻译是parc66 NO.188# Quancheng Road Lixia District Jinan Shandong China可是一点确定就说请输入英文、、、 就是要寄东西到日本,有中文地址但是顺丰要求是英文,求大师翻译,事情紧急地址是: 日本国 茨城県古河市三和176-18市営住宅A-301室希望是真正有水平的网友帮忙翻译下.谢谢了 The girl____(ride) a bike is his sister.怎么填写?为什么这样填写?She is waiting for (her mother).对括号内的内容提问。怎样提问? is the girl () a green bike your sister?a.in b.with c.on d.ride The girl ——(ride)the bike is small .we ——(call) her mary 帮忙找个好听的女生英文名.——3Q自己找了好多都不太喜欢,很郁闷~希望大家帮我推荐个,不要复制很长的,希望你们能真心把你们认为好听的推荐给我,我叫贺雨嘉,好像很难有音相同的,- - 不 谁能帮我看看这四盏黄灯是什么意思? 黄灯什么意思? 黄灯代表的意义是什么 1.I read the book written by Lu Xun last summer.(用at this time yesterday改写句子)I ______ _______ the book written by Lu Xun at this time yesterday. My uncle is a very halthy man ,thin and of average ________(high)词性转换 my uncle is already 85and an old man like him----be very forgetfula must b can为什么不能用A B不是表示否定时的推测吗 The handsome man is Uncle Tim这句话中的Uncle的首字母为什么要大写呢? ____old man on____bike is my uncle an/a the/the the/a an/the my uncle is a businessman,he travels____.(A very much B a lot C a lot of D a little) This is my sister.________name is Mary.空处填什么? 怎么区分SO和SUCH 特别是so加形容词加不可数名词和suchso加形容词加不可数名词,怎么知道so such修饰的是修饰名词还是形容词?求例句 韩国谚语"灯下黑"是什么意思?原句是这样的:“그래서 등잔 밑이 어둡다고 하잖아요” “我以为开着灯的夜晚不会黑”是什么意思?RT 请问下这是什么石本身是黑的光线下是绿色!对灯是茶色! 灯下黑是么意思? 下面这个故障灯是什么意思? That man is my uncle. Is that man his uncle?A.Yes ,he is.B.Yes,it is. That man is Kate's uncle.对Kate's提问怎样提问? The man on my left is my uncle.(对划线部分提问) -------------- the policeman smiled pleasantly and told her how to get to there.改错题 How do you like the book?It is quite different from ___ I read last month.A.that B.where C.in which D.the one 很诚恳的问一下,that 和 the one 都是指代为什么不可以用 tha How do you like the book?It's quite different from ___I read last month.A,the one B,which 问it's quite different from the one i read last month这句话中the one 能不能用which 或that 代替?