
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 22:24:15
Is this your______?No,it's Jenny's 初一英语看图填词. 英语翻译帮忙翻译下:anything would be change by time A pair of glasses ___(be) fifty yuan.A packet of sweets__(be) sixteen yuan. flange float 什么意思 I called Mr'Smith at his office this morning,but the voice ____ answered the phone was not his.A.which B.who C.as D.whom答案A是指代的前面哪个词 1.When the parade marched pass our school,we all cheered.2.The guide spoke something and we1.When the parade marched pass our school,we all cheered.2.The guide spoke something and we nt into the park.(改错) Our limited perspective,our hopes and fears become our measure of life,and when circumstances do 求真相帝~前女友留言.看不懂……悲剧do not fit our ideas,they become our difficulties!When you let go of your expectation,when you accept 急 When here come you and me The lovely rainbow says There's our home 我喜欢的人给我的空间留言 在线翻译名字成英文的 Do you want a busy_____ exciting job?A.and B.or C.but D.soDo you want a busy_____ exciting job?A.and B.or C.but D.so这道题选为什么不选A或B? 西汉的李陵为什么投降匈奴? 李陵投降匈奴后干了什么汉朝大将李陵因寡不敌众投降了匈奴,他投降匈奴后又干了什么?帮个忙哈! MARK TWAIN作品简介,要英文的谢谢! ventilation是什么意思 Mark Twain孩子和妻子的名字 ventilation什么意思 装修,同一面墙上的三个门的高度一样才好看吗?我家的两个卧室门和厨房门在同一面墙上,但是厨房门的门洞比卧室门高、宽度是卧室门的二倍,厨房打算做透明玻璃拉门,请问把厨房门和卧室 李陵为何投降匈奴?又该如何看待李陵投降事件? lt's a exciting job 哪错? --How do you like your job? --Oh, it's more exciting than I ____. A. hopedB.supposedC. knewDexpeced选哪一个呀?有没有一个更好的解释呢? we finally had a day off from school 的意思 as time goes on it is always(changing) it指的是英语这种语言 括号里为什么不填changed WANTED Do you want a busy but exciting job? Do you want a busy but exciting job 这里为什么要用exciting不用excited? 李陵投降匈奴后,匈奴封他什么官? do you real have a busy but exciting job? tasty fruit啥意思 On tusday had some tasty fruit. tasty 比较级 英译汉;do more exercrse,no littering,social science,visit relatives and friends.急. 汉武帝为什么那么恨李陵?李陵投降,司马迁只是为他辩解了几句,汉武帝就对他处以宫刑,可见汉武帝是很恨李陵的.可是,汉武帝为什么那么恨李陵呢?