
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:10:49
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2=0.3加运算符号等式成立 如图,半径为5的⊙p 与轴交于点M(0,-4),N(0,-10),函数y=x/k(x小于0)的图像经过点P,求K值?...如图,半径为5的⊙p 与轴交于点M(0,-4),N(0,-10),函数y=x/k(x小于0)的图像经过点P,求K值? 2x的平方=18分之1 x=? x平方+2x-18.69=0 怎么都不一样啊0 0 如果x+8=16,y÷0、3=6那么x+y=() X-(0.8-X)=16 Do you have mary friends?No,I am not.改错 Do you have any ____(亲近的)friends? 在40米的环形跑道上,甲乙两人同时从起跑线出发,反向而跑,甲每秒跑4米,乙每秒跑6米,当他们第一次相遇在起跑点时,他们已经在途中相遇了( )次. 求班级群名字,文艺一点,我们是文科班,最好多起几个.如有好名,不甚感激 C 对数组中的英文单词从小到大排序能用冒泡法么?char x[5][15]={“Word”,“Excel”,“Powerpoint”,“Type”,“Angle”};for(i=0;i 2,5,6,7,11,8,10,(),18,16 Does your brother have a tennis racket?(肯定句) 1.does Alice (have/has) a tennis ball?2.let my brother (play/plays) computer games3.my cousin doesn't (have/has) a soccer ball?4.li tao and jane (are/has/have/do) a dog.5.where are your baskerball (they/ it's)in my bag6.let's (play/plays/playing)socc 为什么Does he have a tennis ball?这里用have? 输入n个(最多10个)整数,将其排序(从小到大),输入要插入的数,将其的插入到排序后数组中,并输出.用C语言输入输出样例输入:2 5 7 8 9 4 3 1 0 106输出:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 将给定数组a中,放入10个整数,按每数各位之和(千位+百位+十位+个位)从小到大排序并输出.将给定数组a中,放入10个整数,按每数各位之和(千位+百位+十位+个位)从小到大排序并输出 含10个元素的数组,已有9个按从小到大顺序排好的数据今输入一个数,要求按原来排序的规律将它插入数组中Problem B:C语言程序设计教程(第三版)课后习题7.4Time Limit:1 Sec Memory Limit:125 MBSubmit:18 革命是历史的火车头英国资产阶级革命和法国大革命的共同作用“革命是历史的火车头”.英国资产阶级革命和法国大革命的共同作用是 [ ] A.实现了民族独立 B.建立了君主立宪政体 有什么好听的英文歌?发我 村委员竞职承诺书 6.How about ____ tennis with my friends A:piay B:to piay C:piaying D:is piaying 单项选择 Please d with your friends about the way to study wellPlease d______ with your friends about the way to study well.I'm new here.I need a g______ to show me the city. 已知ab不等于零a加b不等于零(a的负一次方加b的负一次方)的负一次方为多少? 已知ab不等于0,a+b不等于0,则(a的-1次方+b的-1次方)的-1次方 ab≠0,(b/a)的2006次方等于 概率论选择第一题,我觉得应该选B啊. Do you have a friend?有另一种写法吗? _____you have a pen-friend?前为什么是Do 英语翻译翻译:1.Do you have bosom friend?How do you value them?2.Some people say that civil servants should have one-year compulsory military service so as to fulfill the job and serve the public better.Do you support the idea?Why(not) 我想知道德国突袭波兰 ga 起因 经过 同 结果十分急用~thx~ 36^(log1/3(3/2))怎么算 答案是4/9