
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:50:57
第二题英语选择题答案,并解释 (最好能在今天上午10:30回复)急求!1.What ______at the moment A.are you doing B.do you do C.have you done 2.We______onn holiday since the beginning of the month.A.were B.are C.have beeen 3.‘The job _______so quickly ,'the man said .A 再问几个英语选择题,就今天晚上选答案,People appreciate ____with him because he has a good sense of humor.1,to work 2,working 3,to have worked 4,have workingThe little village hasn't changed much___a new road and two more stores.1,exce 我想学英语,但我一点基础也没有、希望有帅哥美女、哥哥姐姐、大叔大婶.海.谢. 英语翻译surrounded by all the new couples,i yearned for mine...这是我自己翻译的,应该不错的。 英语翻译做任务是要尽心,尽量做到最完美,不要随便夸奖领导,不然,他会觉得你在拍马屁,不要随便接受领导的奖励,该接受时接受,让他觉得你很老实,心很好,值得让人信赖. 我这里有几道英语的单项选择题,我不太懂,(15)28.– There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop.A.women ; shoe B.woman ; shoe C.woman ; shoes D.women; shoes 正解:A 分析:(16)29.– The computer on the desk is ( ) A.t Good evening .I___to see Miss White.-I'm sorry,but she is not in.A:have come B:come C:came D:had come选哪个?为什么?请详解 希望有讲解,不要只是答案.1.what's up there?---( ) an accident in the street A.It seems to have B.It seems to be C.There seems to have D.There seems to be2.This is the first time that Buford ( ) the dog alone ,so he is nervous.A.walks B.walk 1.I don’t know what I would be doing today if I____the novels of Dickens when I was a primary school student.A.wouldn’t fall in love with B.hadn’t fallen behind C.hadn’t fallen in love with D.wouldn’t fall behind2.Our scholl ____the student 2.The doctor and nurse of the hospital __________________ the meeting.A.is attending B.are to attend C.is to attend D.was attending 7.Among the decisions that most people make,_____________ a house is maybe the biggest one.A.purchasing B.purchase 英语选择题懂的来 谢谢`6. The farmer caught the boys_____________his apples. A.stealing B.stole C.to steal D.would steal7. I ____ ping-pong quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the new year. A. will 十分简单的英语选择题,懂英语的都进来看一下吧.谢了~~where is jack,please?He_____be in the reading room.A.need B.shall C.must D.would应该选什么,并告诉我为什么 不大懂一题十分~要有解析,不能只有答案1.It was in 1969___ the American astrouant succeed in landing on the moon.A.that B.which C.when D.in which这题为什么不选c2.Is it in that factory ____ "Red Flag" cars are produced?A.in which 1.when is the next train arriving It's ( ) at 7:30A.due b.normal c.straight d.convenient 2.the CCTV Spring Festival Gala Eveing______annually since 1983A.was run B.is running C.had been run D.has been running 3.It is wise to forget such things as are A friend of ( ) lives in Pudong.A.my sister B.my sister's C.my sister为什么选B,而不是C? 高3的英语选择题几问(我太怎么懂)我太怎么懂这些,(因为4个选择中,不可能的就不打出来了)1.Yesterday I found Tom ____ his house,but I don't know if he has finished his work.A.had painted B.was painting C.has painted 1.下列不能产生红外线的是A.阳光 B月光 C高温物体 D红光2.红外探测仪可以识别物体主要从A紫光 B光照 C色光 D红光强弱2.红外线、紫外线有很多作用,下列不属于的是A雷达探测器 B验钞机荧光 C 3道 请高手作答且解析 解析重要 急题目点击查看 物理三道选择题1、 在匀强磁场中,把电子由静止释放,电子将A、做匀速圆周运动B、做匀加速直线运动C、做匀速直线运动D、保持静止状态2、 关于电源,下列说法不正确的是A、电 15、“无声手枪”是在( )处减弱噪声的;放鞭炮时,用手捂住耳朵,这是在( )处减弱噪声的;在马路和住宅间植树造林,这是在( )中减弱噪声的.16、利用超声波可准确获得人体内部( )的信息;可 1、某放射性元素的原子核X连续经过二次衰变和一次衰变后,衰变为另一种元素的原子核Y,则Y与X相比较,减少了()(1)3个质子、5个中子(2)5个质子、3个中子(3)4个质子、4个中子(4)2个 如图所示,甲,乙两个小灯泡连接在电路中,1.2.3可能是电压表或电流表( )多选A.若1.2为电流表,3为电压表,两灯都亮 B.若1.2为电压表,3为电流表,两灯都亮C.若1.3为电压表,2为电流表,两灯串联都亮 人眼的晶状体相当于凸透镜,当人观察物体时,物体在视网膜上所成的像是( )A.正立、缩小的虚像 B.正立、缩小的实像C.倒立、缩小的虚像 D.倒立、缩小的实像为什么? 下列说法中正确答是:(多选)A上海世博会中国馆外观呈红色是因为中国馆吸收了红色B紫外线和红外线在真空中的传播速度是一样的C眼睛老花的奶奶应佩戴凸透镜来矫正视力D照相机,小孔 一道物理选择题,请解答!谢谢用绳栓水桶打井水,感觉到手受到竖直向下的力的作用,这个力的施力物体是( ) A绳子 B水桶 C地球 D手 选什么呢? 一道物理选择题求解答如图所示,甲、乙两同学从河中O点出发,分别沿直线游到A点和B点后,OA、OB分别与水流方向平行和垂直,且OA=OB.若水流速度不变,两人在静水中游速相等,则他们所用时间t甲 物体在飞船中可以放在空中任何位置而不动,其原因是:A物体失去了重力B物体失去了质量C物体失去了惯性D以上说法都不对其中BC可以排除,但答案是D,麻烦解释一下为什么不选A并且说说正确 14.关于热学的下列说法正确的是( )A.当一定质量的理想气体吸热时,其内能可能减小 B.当两个分子之间的距离靠近的过程中,分子间的作用力将增大 C.根据热力学第二定律可知,热量不 求第三道选择题答案~~ 三道选择题求答案谢谢 快.