
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 13:41:56
古代郡相当于现在的什么? 谁能帮我写三篇英语作文,第一篇要求:你下个月将会举行自己的生日派对,想邀请你的英国朋友John.写一封电子邮件给John.在你的这封邮件中,你应该:1.邀请他参加你的派对.2.告诉他关于生日 如何理解《诗意的长大》中第(24)段小种子说自己“会有一个比蚯蚓的世界更大更美的世界”?结合自身实际,说说你从毛毛虫与小种子身上获得了怎样的启示? 怎么理解王小波的“世界上只有两种人.一种是我这样的.一种不是我这样的” 这句诗是什么?诗意:我将远离朋友,漂泊他乡,没有知己,独影一人,天地间谁认识我啊! your coat looks great on you同义句 when () the truth,she stopped crying.答案是told,为什么不用to be told? 英文nose是什么意思,nose翻译解释,nose中文意思,nose用法及读音 The money 怎么写?大家快告诉我呀! (>_ 完成句子 1.要是有必要的话,你最好现在网上搜索些有用的信息. You'd better______first________2.记住活动一定要尽可能的有趣,以便更多的人会来参加.Remember to make the event ___________ more people will ta 伽利略生死是几日 伽利略怎么死的我想知道 PHONE.FINE.FUN发音舌位f音咬嘴唇,N舌尖顶上齿龈,别扭啊,还是要强念,或者发N做出舌头上抬而不用顶到底,感觉我是高手了没几人能回答我…寂寞… I hope to be the last one to die (意思不变)I hope I the last one to die No one hope to hear his____(die). 古诗《终南山》的意思太乙近古都,连山到海隅.白云回望合,青蔼入看无.分野中峰变,阴晴众壑殊.欲投人处宿,隔水问樵夫. 乐phone有道词典词典菜单中的内容是否支持复制? TO ONE'S HEART'S CONTENT I believe he can understand it after _________(talk) to him 用适当形式填空 Nothing was changed,life is going on... Everything's going wrong ,but my life goes on life is not miracle,but it is going on,we need to step by step think of 和 thought of 的区别 how are you的同义句? The English usually have their lunch outside,not in their home.为什么home不加复数呀, that 's souds a music to my ear翻译一下, 带有理解. home有复数吗 home的复数是什么home的复数是什么home的复数是什么home的复数是什么home的复数是什么home的复数是什么home的复数是什么home的复数是什么home的复数是什么 英语翻译翻译以下句子:That is the general attitude of our modern youth wired to ear-buds of headphones connected to their MP3 player.其中,麻烦特别解释一下"wired"和"ear-buds "在此句中的意思. There a dozen pens in this house.I can hardly find one now.( ).One is sure to turn up.A.GO ON B.Keep looking forc.GO aheadD.keep from looking for There must be a dozen pens in this house but I can never find one when I need one.Keep looking.____is sure to turn up.A.One B.It C.That D.This