
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 22:55:10
It still takes hours to get out of theairport and into thr city.The plane still takes hours to get out of theairport and into the city the difficulty lies _____we have no money.A in that B in the fact that选A是that 引导的宾语从句做介词in 的宾语,虽然that 一般不引导介词的宾语从句但是in but except 却可以接that 引导的宾语从句,貌似A可以选B 4.The difficulty lies in _____ we have no money.A.that B.which C.the fact D.the fact that答案为什么不能选B呢 英语翻译我记得有好几个版本的,比如“乡村路”、“水泥路”等,麻烦把所有版本都打出来 用我xxxxxx,叫XXXXXX,余XXXXXX,秋XXXXXX,初XXXXXX.的格式帮我写一首诗吧!速度回答,速度采纳 XXXXXX长城哈佛XXXXXX我想问下哈佛H3的价格多少?还有哈佛2.5T价格 2驱和4驱的价格?说的详细点,我想买辆价格在10W左右的越野车 人家都说哈佛不错!我这里的路况还不错,但是越野车看起来气派!不 20miles south of the city怎么改成20miles—— ——south of the city(缺两个空) part of city of怎样区分?We must go to another part of the country.为什么We must go to another city of the country.就是错的? 声音的音标怎么写 朱元璋是哪里人?有人说朱元璋的祖籍不是安徽凤阳人,谁知道他是哪里的啊? 朱元璋是怎么样的人?他不是杀了很多开国功臣吗? 你心中的朱元璋应该是什么样的人快 朱元璋是一个什么样的人 英语翻译这段文字是一个我认识的女孩发给我的..我想知道她在对我说什么 英语翻译请教几个英语翻译.1.a simple act of kindness from a stranger may provide a solution.2.even when facing personal problems of our own,we need to choose to make other people s lives better with our courage ,imagination,and,generosity. one single act of random kindness at a time 英语翻译Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.every act creates Beth is ____ shy girl that sheis always afraid ___ in publicA.a such;speakB.such a ;of speakingC.a so;speakD.so a;of speaking also you can hobbies tell about her your连词成句 read them stories 如果错那有什么them stories tell them stories就不用说了 还有什么搭配吗 Oh,____ is it?横线上填什么?是关于birthday的 Yes,_____it is.横线上填什么 nothing is i cause Can you give me a p__ of your parents? I want to have a look at them. 在横线部分补充单词 英语翻译“我正在浪费时间”的意思,要求尽量简短口语化 Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!为什么用"being"而不用"be" 求:Being criticized is awful!啥意思尼 being cool is being popular Helen and ____( I ) are good friends.用所给词的适当形式填空 we saw ______(he) playing football on the playground 英译汉keep in mind what your teachers often tell you