
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 10:13:10
求大学英语演讲稿一篇 Please raise your hands if you have angy questions._ _your hands if you have any questions.保持句意基本不变 填两个空 If you have any questions,please( )your handsA、put outB、put upC、put onD、put down If you have any questions ,please put up your ( ). 2008年9月,神州7号的发射成功,实现了中国人太空行走的梦想.请你查找相关资料,模仿课文对神5,神6航天飞行的介绍,用一段文字简单的介绍神7的航天飞行的经过,并表达你的喜悦与自豪.(千年 __your brother and you __(have) any questions? If we have questions about your request,we will contact you.Otherwise,we will let you know when your request has been completed.If you have any questions regarding your request,please reply to this email.Be sure that the body of this email appears in 表示盛大热烈的欢庆的成语,表现山林之美的成语,表现月夜情景之美的成语! seem+形容词,这里的形容词是做什么句子成分? forset the a there in park ls nature?怎么连词成句/ 连词成句:the park is in there river a 请问~~ Have you cleared your luggage with customs 我想问一下,我的四级过了,这回报了六级,是不是还能报四级,就是说12月上午考四级下午考六级? i'm going to borrow some picture books.翻译 I go to the (i ) to borrow some books after school. why not go to the school library and borrow some books?(改为同义句) Before you hand in your paper,_____you have finised the whole peperA.look B.wait c.believe D.check please make sure that you have got a c_____ answer befor you hand in your paper to me You will have something in b_______ of your hand lt will be c___to your friend that you that have pushed the coin through the hole in the paper 连词成句:listen school it to radio is the fun to after 连词成句 us,go,the,let,library,to,(.) 百度知道有什么敏感的词字?能说多少是多少,如果不行加一些特殊符号,我倒想知道百度的敏感词库到底有多少没事,不然你打上去然后再截图过来不就行了 百度知道哪那些字属于敏感词语?我回答老不显示我的答案又不是广告.汗. You had better ___(hand)in your exam paper as soon as you finish it. please c ____ your paper before you hand it in 求中国古代地名和现代地名对照!格式像这样,现代在前面,古代在后面长沙——潭州南京——建康河南洛阳——洛阳陕西西安——长安陕西咸阳——咸阳 古代地名安定、西平、雁门分别是今天的哪里?谢谢了. 古代地名现在叫什么句章-----( )北平-----( )中山-----( ) 我不懂怎么做人.没自信我二十三,不懂怎么做人,不懂逄场做戏.意志还不坚定,感觉很失败. 主要是用于考英语六级,只是需要在单词不懂得时候查询方便,文曲星e900+ 的词汇量怎么样 英语要怎么学啊?最近一直在看六级,做六级题,但是准确率很低,没信心啊,大师们给点意见啊!做了几套六级题发现效果不明显,尤其是听力,听的迷迷糊糊,具体些,