
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:08:01
帮我用英文写出做风筝的过程 怎样制作风筝作文600字左右怎样制作风筝作文,说明文,最少513个字 写得好的我加分 不求字量,只求质量 北京欢迎你.欢迎你来北京.的英语翻译. 英语翻译我要的是绝对权威的答案~要有充分把握才回答我! The movie Lost in Thailand is the most w movie that I have ever seenw后应该填什么? - How ( ) do you like the film - Wow ,this is the best one I have ever seen .A...- How ( ) do you like the film - Wow ,this is the best one I have ever seen .A ,much B ,many C ,often D ,long 怎么制作风筝?(排序)英语!How I made the kite?( )I cut the paper with scissors.( )Then,I could fly my kite.( )I put strings on it.( 1 )I drew a dragon on a piece of paper.( )I put sticks on it.( )I painted it. How do you like the film 同意句 1.Have you seen the film( )Lost In Thailand?A.call B.called C.calling 生命必须有裂缝,阳光才能照的进来.英语翻译, This is the first time that I have...为什么要用have It was the first time that _ _ _ _ _.这是他第一次输了比赛. 这个为什么是定语从句?This is the first time [that] I have been here.xiexie le It was the first time that I had seen his film.这句话是定语从句还是强调句型?二者如何区分?the first time 在句中作什么成分?I had seen this film 为什么要用过去完成时? 用This was the first time that 造句 想考个英语证书,BEC?雅思?口译?我的大学四年荒废了,工作快一年,发现自己的能力实在是吃不开,所以就想给自己增加点资本.说下我的英语能力,大学四年基本没学(中文系),四级考了好几次, 口译与BEC证书请问口译证书,BEC证书,四六级证书这几个证书那个最重要,如果在上海工作. 一天刷两次牙的英语 已经工作了,英语过四级,请问哪个英语证书含金量比较高?是BEC还是中高级口译?或者别的?已经工作了,英语过四级,请问哪个英语证书含金量比较高?是BEC还是中高级口译?或者别的? 我是大二新生,念的是金融学,请问我需要考什么证书么,除了四六级,英语方面需要考BEC还是口译好啊 英语证书哪个含金量更高 BEC还是上海口译证?求教~本人非英语专业大二 四级618 六级572~想在2012年六月之前考个BEC或者上海口译证,请问考哪个更好呢,还有 选择中级还是高级?(如果能附加报 How do you like the film?改为同义句.—— —— —— —— ——the film? How do you like the film?A.Very much B.Very interesting应选哪个答案?如果这两个答案同时出现在选择项中怎么办?选择哪一个呢? How do you like the movie改为同义句改为__do you__ __the movie How do you like the film Hero?___A it's wonderful B what abou you C yes i like it D no,i don;t like it at all答案选哪一个,为什么 HOW do you like the film中like作什么词说出like的词性 你多久刷一次牙?我一天刷2次牙翻译成英文是什么 some boxes of chocolaolate 中文 do some people give fancy boxes of chocolate as present? do you?是什么意思?怎么回答?大家都帮帮忙啊 some chocolate还是some chocolates 医生说他有必要一天吃两次药的翻译 Would you like some drinks,boys?yes,( ),pleaseA.some orange s B.two boxes of chocolate C.some cakes D.two boxes of cola