
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 18:37:48
帮忙写一下新目标英语九年级上31页2的作文,急!不需要太多,要少点生词 新目标英语九年级Unit9 73页2的那个作文怎么写 I am going to swim this afternoon.(否定句和一般疑问句) Do yuo think it is going to snow tonight?A.I believe not. B.I don't believe. C.I don't believe it. D.I believe not so.能不能解释一下BCD的错误? I am going to practica basketball this afternoon 改为否定句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 I'm going to buy a book this afternoon. 改为一般疑问句和否定句. I'm going to the zoo this afternoon.的一般疑问句 关于成长中的幸福时刻的英语作文 要求是记叙文 100字左右就可以~最好有汉译, (英语改错) you must work hard on English and never give up learning it.on为什么要改为at. 人教版九年级英语第14面3C作文 速求. 是work hard at English 还是on English?为什么 请问这句话怎么翻译?there is more of a case for the theory. Each time it seemed there'd be one more of us.中文翻译 求牛人团高手翻译分析这句话There is little reason all of us cannot feel more mentally healthy. 奥运会的来历(英文) 奥运会的起源 (要英语) 奥运会的由来(英语陈述)将下面的一段话用英语翻译!奥运会的由来古希腊是一个神话王国,优美动人的神话故事和曲折离奇的民间传说,为古奥运会的起源蒙上一层神秘的色彩.传说:古代奥 奥运会的来历(要用英文说,要短,谢谢!) To master a foreign language one must work hard at it.那位大虾帮忙分析一下句子成分及翻译一下句意,先谢过了? if you want to study English well ,you must to work hard.错在哪? 选择适当的形式填空 1.English is very helpful.You must work _____(hard)at it.2.My father loves reading _______(newspaper).3.Xia Ming is good at ____(study).4.Do you know how _____(look)after this little cat?5.Kitty _____ (not like) watching T 形容做事情还未尽兴就做完了的成语 Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend?A I don't belive B I don't belive it C I belive not so D I belive not 做完一件事松一口气有没成语可以形容? I wonder if it is going to rainIf it ________,I'llhacve to stay at home.A.is B.does C.do D.will选什么?为什么?那is 为何不对呢? It is going to rain.(改为否定句) Jamillions的【Love You Like I Do】的空间背景音乐链接.要可以用! You must work hard这句话能说成You must working hard的吗?请指导,那说成You must be work hard可以吗? 同义句转换You must try your best to work hard at English. 有哪些名言诗句是关于秋天的 I hope you and Bob can enjoy y____ at the party. oughta shoulda 和 outta各是什么意思 请造句表明outta=have got i have got home这句话对不对 是什么时态