
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:57:20
读一读,根据给出的首选字母写出单词 Longlong likes l_____to the music 读一读,根据给出的首选字母写出单词he likes p___football Pressure seems to be a part of modern life的同义句 life in the country side is quite__ that in modern cities.选什么?A.the same B.different from C.full of pressure为什么要加S :how can anyone enjoy the (pressures) of the city lifepressure为什么要加S :how can anyone enjoy the (pressures) of the city life one year of studies in academic subjects at university level啥意思? China Senior High School Year 2 - Average 70% in best 4 academic subjects 求翻译 just as important a part of education as the academic subjects这句是宾语么 应该选哪个答案?My parents send me to a school------rules are just as important a part of education as the academic subjects.A.that B. which C. where D. whe bat 乒乓球拍 ,高尔夫球棒是什么单词,知道的多列几个,我有一个想不来了 Disappear in my palm as if it be love,being that you love dearly I shout there is an ''f'' and a ''y" in the world "fly''. 1.__the school trip 介词可填什么 2.who与whom的区别(简单易懂要举例)(下同) must与have to的区别 郑州天下城具体位置.郑州天下城的具体位置啊!什么路,哪谢谢我朋友家.我要去找他怎么跟司机说 外贸英语 达人请进请根据所学关于询价的外贸英语知识,写一封询价函,字数200-250之间,要求格式规范,语句通顺.分我弄到最高! 外贸英语!英语达人请进!pallet guidelines a full pallet should can vary in size from40"*48"to 48"*48"half pallets should be 20-24"deep*48"widemaximun height is 60"all pallets must followthe guidelines found in the vendor requirementsproduct o Wait before you buy that coat .Let's c ( ) priWait before you buy that coat .Let's c ( ) prices in another store 请达人英译中--57389885|630291|班萨柏旅馆-->It is sooooooooooooo far from the airport and city centre.It is better if you manage to speak a little Thai.First of all,I really like the staff who are very responsible and hospitable.Second,I do 听弹琴 寒 字有什么妙处? why were you do that 和why are you did that ,这两句话有错吗?请问那句正确,假如都正确,那是什么情况用哪个 “惊起一滩鸥鹭”中“惊”字的妙处 【假如我是基因专家】的作文 求有关基因的论文!紧急!1有关基因的即可,扣紧基因,要求有参考文献10篇以上,字数2000左右,多也可!紧急. Tina现实中是不是真的T? Since you like that T-shirt ,why not go and buy it Tina,真的是T吗? Tina真的是T吗? U.R. 为神马printf("%u\n",123);输出的是123,而把u改成U后就输出U? 若something 前面有定冠词修饰,形容词不用后置.是不是说在这种情况下the可以和形容词连用? 世界哪个地方雾最多 老友记第一季23里joey说的一句话You're only at nine centimeters.And the baby's at zero station.nine centimeters zero 为什么chandler听完后说you're really frightening me? term是神马意思?