
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:49:28
根据括号里的提示完成句子He must have been ____late.(work)Tommy____ to us when we came across the field.(wave)The blue car had ____ the red one in yesterday's race.(overtake)The restaurant____us forty pounds for the wine the day before yes 根据括号的提示完成句子1.I think we need two more _____(loaf) of bread.2.Keep the windows _____(close).It’s too cold today.3._____(no) of us is good at telling stories.4._____(late) that day,we went to the shopping center. 修改病句:须发皆白的老奶奶被沉重的米袋压得喘不过气来 根据括号中的提示完成句子.1 Tom likes (swim)_________in summer.2 Sometimes Bill (watch)__________TV at night.3 Jack usually (play)___________ football on the field.4 Alice often (cycle)____________ on the playground快速 根据括号中的提示完成句子 如下:1.Thanks for _____(照顾)my cat when i went out.2.Her brother often ______(忘记)to make his bed.3.---What is your boss doing?----He is ______(开会).4.Yesterday Sam _____(邀请)me to his birt 阳光下忧伤的我 看着落叶飘落 句子 “桃花开了你就红,杏花开了你就白”是什么歌的歌词? 什么者如什么 成语 现在梨花开了吗 今年梨花开了吗? 安其居,乐其业 什么行下效,是四字成语 both或者neither出现时 比如neither he nor I am a doctor 为什么be动词用am 有用are的时候吗 造个句 so am I与neither am I有什么区别so seldom i与neither seldom I 《老子》中 安其居,乐其业 原意是.的后来演变出的一个成语是. “安其居”后面是什么?《老子》 That's_____( I )aunt.Youcancaii____( she )Judy. 安其居,乐其业中的“安”什么意思 ---Fang QianQian,We will take an examination in physics next week---Yes,but don’t work too hard.______.A.It doesn’t matter B.All the best C.Take it easy D.Try your luck my uncle____________ (go on an outing) next week1用括号里的词填空,2翻译中文,3变一般疑问句,4肯定回答,5否定回答,6变否定句,7就 last week提问,8回答提问1用括号里的词填空,2翻译中文,3变一般疑问句, El noche de pensar en ti 好像是西班牙语 "Ultimate Joint Strength"是什药 ansys中 tensile ultimate power strength 区别 善学者,假人之长以补后面一句 We are going to take a long walk in the countryside next spring.同义句转换转换为We are___ ___in the countryside next sping. 仰着头,精神抖擞地站立着是什么成语?这是初中的考题,生活中只要求理解会用成语,现在有人这样考孩子,试卷还挂了网上卖钱! 这个小草是什么植物啊? It is wrong to k_____ tigers. 小草是植物吗 这是我种的一棵小草,但是我并不知道它是什么植物 形容山峰直立高耸,像是从地下拔起来似的?用成语