
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 21:19:16
一个数的七分之四是二十一分之八,这个数的十二分之五是多少 9 3 27 12 4 36 36 12 ()9 3 2712 4 36 36 12 () Can animals be made to work for people?Some sicentists think that one day animals ……(填空题) some people think that these treasures should be returned Can animals be made to work for people?Some sicentists think that one day animals …的完形填空,要翻译 Some people think that Might makes some people think that sending a 'trouble' kid请问这句话是什么意思阿 若a b互为相反数,c与d互为倒数,M的绝对值等于2A+B的绝对值/4M+2M-3CD-2010AM+1-2010BM A,B互为相反数,C,D互为倒数,X的绝对值等于2.求:X的2次方-(A+B)X+(-cd)的2008次方的值 英语翻译黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明!英文高手请译汉 英语翻译if you are getting older and not getting smarter ,something is wrong!一定要翻译为名言警句哦,读起来要顺口! 英语翻译Your body is a factory which runs according to your thoughts you produce in it.Now,it depends upon you whether you run it or ruin it. 连词成句 some Beijing Opera interesting think is peopie 翻译句子some people think staying outdoors is very interesting Some young people would like to go to interesting places because they think they're excited哪错了 1.Would you like some apples?(改为同义句)2.I think talk show are interesting.(对"interesting"提问第一题格式:_ _ some apples?第二题格式:_ _ you _ _ the talk show Some young people would like to go to interesting place bheyecause they think they're excited.哪里错了 美女and 帅哥? 求一本名著的英文版需要50句佳句,是英文的,要中英对照.急用!11 a等于它的倒数,b等于它的相反数,则2004a-1/2004b=? 已知a是4的相反数,b比a的倒数小2,则b等于? 甲、乙、丙三个数依次大1,若乙数的倒数与丙数的倒数的2倍之和等于大神们帮帮忙甲、乙、丙三个数依次大1,若乙数的倒数与丙数的倒数的2倍之和等于甲数的倒数的3倍,则甲、乙、丙三个数 5:(X-1)=20分之3=8% 5分之1比8分之1=x比20 世界名著中的经典名句最好多一点啊Thank you~ I will show you some toys.同义句是I 'll ___some toys ___you. I will b__ him some toys and b___ there are some toys in the shop.就some toys 提问 I think kids will stay at home_______ computers ________ the future.麻烦问问空格该填啥 不是think要否定转移吗?那么Some little kids think they don`t get enough gifts.这句话为什么没否定转移这么说否定转移不是必须转移了? 一个数缩小100倍后所得的新数与原数的和是20.2求这个数是多少 在20后面添上一个%,得数比原数缩小100倍.正确还是错误? 英语翻译我永远可以做到永不败谁帮我翻译成英文啊