
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 16:40:46
It was on the farm _________ we worked. [2007 山东卷] A.that B.there C.which D.whereIt was on the farm _________ we worked. [2007 山东卷] A.that B.there C.which D.where 答案及详解 enjoy 的意思 enjoy是什么意思 I do not wanna see you Last Sundar my father made a promise___he was free he would take me to the park.A.ifB.that ifC.whetherD.that His father took him to the park ______the morning of MayA.in B.at C.on D.for Last Sunday,Dad took/carried me to the park用took还是carried 2010年有什么好听的英文歌?要旋律好听的 2010年有什么好听的英文歌呢? 2010年有没有什么好听的英文歌? The student s did not stop talking until the teacher came in 的另一种英语解释?xie 怎样培养责任心和上进心? 关于上进心和责任心的话题凤凰周刊上的一篇文章,发自内心的才有力量,我很喜欢这句话,不知诸位同意否?如果是这样的话,上进心归根结底是响应内心的召唤,而责任心呢,归根结底是为了外在 Enjoy是啥意思? 括号里填什么Shanghai is () vrey big city ,but it's not () capital of China . a lot ,John's ,make,all,joke,us,laugh 连成一句话 如何提高责任心与事业心?我性格懒散,无毅力,学什么都三分钟热度,没有人生目标觉得,活着毫无意义,很累.我很讨厌我自己的这种性格,我是不是完蛋了.请问各位达人,如何提高自己的责任心与 如何增强事业心责任感 投影机原包装的灯泡和代用灯泡的区别? 怎样区分投影机原装灯泡与代用灯泡的区别 投影机灯坏了,但听说原装灯泡太贵,代用的似乎效果不怎么好,听说有可以换灯芯的,有谁换过的可以介绍吗 We like rice very much.(同义句)We like rice ______ ______. 投影机灯泡坏了,要换,想了解下投影机灯泡的相关知识. 如何更换投影机灯泡?我想自己换投影仪的灯泡,请问哪位大虾会?日立的投影仪! his story made everyone in the room ____.(laugh) 填什么,为什么 it's my pleasure to meet all of you here today. 第一句Lost in your arms 第二句 In a moment to meet youHe spend all the luck 求翻译. 谢谢! Why didn't the geology class meet today这里的meet是什么意思? The moring air is so good ( ) A to breath B to be breathed 怎么让一个人有上进心我是个没有上进心的人,我想改变自己,但就是不行.我身边的人都没有上进心,甚至比我还差.有时我也想学好的,但是和这些人多接触,就没有前进的动力了. 一个人有责任心但没有上进心,为什么 Piease give______some water .________are thirstyA.Tom and I;We B.Tom and me;We选什么?