
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 12:17:51
There wasn't ___ in the room.So it wasn't ___ for us to work.a:enough light,enough bright .b:liThere wasn't ___ in the room.So it wasn't ___ for us to work.a:enough light,enough bright .b:light enough,bright enough.c:enough light,bright enough.d:ligh The room is big enough for us _________A to live B to live 顺便解答一下类似的题目何时用IN There is not enough room to live 还是to live in 海员找船怎么找 作文:哈尔威船长与船共沉时想对船员和乘客说什么 120字左右 secret of my heart翻译中文? 我很爱你,可不能和你在一起.英语怎么念呢 接上次:爱你不却能和你在一起,为什么?只有你是我唯一的牵挂 用英文翻译 我爱的不是你,是和你在一起时的我用英文怎么翻?如题求教 如果她爱你,却不想和你在一起 ,为什么! i'm afraid there is ____for all of us.A.no big enough room B.no room big enough There isn't enough room for us,_______ six dogs and one cat.A:not to say B:not to mention C:let it go D:let alone let alone 英语面试时听不懂怎么回答?不要用pardon,不要用 i don't know what you say.高级点的怎么说 英语面试遇到听不懂怎么办明天有个英语面试,对自己的英语口语信心不大,想问下如果英语面试中听不懂考官的某个问题怎么办?如果他再说了一遍还不懂怎么办,有什么办法巧妙的化解尴尬呢 英语面试是听不懂考官说的什么,该怎么办?是外国考官,怎么能表达的有礼貌一些,含蓄一些,不要显得英语水平太低(是入学考试的面试) 面试时如果突然考你英语,听不懂怎么办? "我喜欢你,想永远和你在一起"的英语是什么? 用英语怎么讲“不管发生什么,我都要和你在一起,因为我爱你.”? 伊索寓言中有关贪得无厌的一个故事只写故事概要,快 请讲述伊索寓言中有关贪得无厌的一个故事,只写故事概要. 沪教版语文五下:《老鼠开会》(扩写一则寓言故事) 求一篇wealth and happiness 作文,字数不要太多. It is neither wealth nor splendor,but tranquility and occupation,which bring happiness.怎么翻译这句话? If it were not that...But that he came to help me ,I could not have succeeded .是不是可以改写成:If it were not that he came to help me ,I could not have succeeded .或者改成If it were not for the fact that he came to help me ,I could not h 你说的很好,但是我想要的是事迹,一件读书的事情,一件读书的事情, 使周恩来立下“为中华之崛起而读书”这个志向的原因是什么 if it were not for the fact that you___ill,i would ask you to do this right now.A.were B.had been C.are D.should be讲出理由为什么?我想知道,这是虚拟语气题,但为什么选are To be honest,if it were not for the fact that you ___ my close friendTo be honest if it were not for the fact that you ___my close friend,I would not take such pains to serve you.A.were B.are C.had been D.have been但我觉得“他”现在 ffdshow will behave as if it were not installed我没分了, 磁极倒转有什么危害 If my life is a joke,you are in my life the only true. What time does Tom go to home?Rick's family have a shoeer.改错