
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 10:09:44
纸胡是什么意思 I am going to ______a film.A:have B:see C:look 拓展应用第四小题, 我4月30号在小米官网买了个小米2s和一个小米3,怎么3都到货了2s还待出库?我和朋友一起买我5月1帮他买的小米3今天都到货了,我4月30号买的小米2s怎么还是待出库? 平胡1根平胡2根是什么意思 胡为而来哉 而的意思 He had ____ to spend his holidays in Italy,but circumstances forced him to change his mind. 有两个条件P,Q,只要有一个条件为真,结果一定是真的是( )A.notP or QB.P and QC.P or QD not P and not Q He was forced to ____ ____ (让步)to his parents. 这个男孩很瘦,he needs to change his eating h___顺便问一下后两个单词连在一起是什么意思 因为害羞而不敢说出 用英语怎么说 别害羞 英语 我喜欢你害羞的样子.英语怎么说 条件p与q第二题p:|x-2|小于等于3,q:-1小于等于x又小于等于5;p是q条件 一直p.q都是r得必要条件.s是r得充分条件,q是s得充分条件.则s是q得什么条件,r How to change "have to" into "like to"?这句话有错误吗? 把下面的句子改成被动句I invited sally to a party.______________He has finished his homework._________The police will catch the thief.__________They are building that house.__________ 有什么确凿证据证明夏朝或者同时期文明存在过? 夏朝的文化 将下列句子改被动句did your brother fly kites last year?the boss made the workers work 12 hours a day in the past.she said(that)she could play the piano at the age of six.have you taught english for twenty years?jenny didn't invited her frien 除了“驾轻就熟”外,还有什么成语可以比喻工作熟练? 改写句子.把下列句子改成被动句.1.They must finish the work in a work.__________________________2.We should water the tree as often as possible.________________3.The workers can build the hospital in three months.___________4.The farm 竹子开花是什么意思? 为什么没有夏朝的电视剧? 把下列句子改成被动句战争开始的时候,日本鬼子杀死了他的父亲. 为什么没有 夏朝的电视剧?(不是西夏,是上古时期那个夏朝) 为什么竹子开花就意味着要死了? 如何提高小麦淀粉白度? 青海高原一株柳想象雷轰点击的情景 青海高原干旱和寒冷的原因是什么? 青海高原有多冷,干旱到什么程度 ( )的雷轰电击 怎么想也想不出来,括号里填一个形容词.