
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:56:29
胆战心惊的造句 用胆战心惊哈哈大笑造句 The professional tennis player is______.A.an eighteen year old girl B.an eighteen-year-old girl C.an eighteen years old girlD.an eighteen-year-old girl He was a famous tennis player ( ) A ago B before C after D then He is an e___ tennis player and always performs well. 小明读过一本书,如果每天读16页,则在第19天读完,如果每天读15页,则在第20天读完.最多多少页? My dog died three months ago.同义句 My dog ___ ___ ___ three months ago.不要用现在完成时 用提心吊胆造句 眼睁睁 提心吊胆 怎么 造句 用提心吊胆造句,句子要好一点, 有负的公约数吗? I hope my sister can have a better life.译成中文 I miss you,my sister.In the life?I hope you can accompany me to spend the Spring Festival...这句英语什么意思-_- Hope you like 用“提心吊胆”造句. 《褒渎》谁知道哪里有这部小说? 提心吊胆造句 怀德招亲,是一个什么样的故事, 提心吊胆 面如土色造句 在鲁班发明锯子的故事中,割伤他手的是什么草? 问下 need 情态动词和实意动词的区别 2520的正公约数是多少个 什么叫公约数 Suzhou is well- known for its silk(同意句) Suzhou is _____ _____ it's sillk 李重元的忆王孙春词中的“柳外高楼空断魂”与杜牧的“路上行人欲断魂”中的“断魂”各自抒发的感情是什么,并作简要分析 Hangzhou is a famous place in China.社么意思 we all found___to play the game.A,it interesting B,it interesting C,this interesting为什么选A,不选B,C Engines are machines ___ power or motion.A.produce B.producing C.produced D.which producing这题答案是B,我想知道具体的解释,为什么不能选D呢顺便把这句话翻译一下吧 the fanmous singer who had been praised very highly_to be a great disappointmentA.turned up B.turned in C.turned out D.turned down 选哪个理由 this is the girl __school bag has been stolen A.who B.whom C.whose D.which (选哪一个,并给出原因) the singer who had been praised highly () to be a great disappointment这句话的意思是什么》 This is the best film _ has been shown this yeaThis is the best film _ has been shown this year.怎么填