
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 02:35:51
自由女神的意义?英文版我要写一段关于自由女神的意义介绍,文采要比较好的,100字左右吧.时间紧急,过期无效哦! 自由女神像在哪个国家 自由女神 是不是雅典娜我跟同学打赌 如果我输了 就要赔 10元 雅典娜 是不是自由女神 Katherine's eyes _______with tears when she knew her mother needed ______.A.was filled ; being operated onB.was filled; to operate C.filled ; operatingD.filled; operating on为什么选D?为什么在这里一定要用主动表被动?being operated I will ever let you i will nevner let you go 急!She tells us about it with_____(tear)in her eyes这道题咋写? with tears ( )her eyes,she thanked the young men for saving her child.A.out B.in C.under D.over选B,but为什么呢?几个选项的区别是? can hardly wait的汉语 Wait to let you change回答我想表达不用等很久的意思该怎么说? Oh,it's you?I didn't recognize you.-I___ my hair cut,and I ___ new glasses.A.had,was wearing B.have had,am wearing C.had,wore D.have had,wear 在讲下其中的语法知识,我将感激不尽! The doctor said,"Don't worry .He _______(not injure )."为什么用一般现在时,不用一般过去时? He didn’t come to school today ____because__ he was lii ___提问 Let's go singing and dancing.的's是us吗?要正确!thanks!那go后面必须加singing and dancing吗? 闻嗅的意思 嗅是什么意思谢谢诶 劲多音字组词 we will do the excrises as soon as possible.如上 I will let you know as soon as I ______the news(get) as soon as 是主将从现的用法,那么在he后,还要加will吗?是其中的那一个选项? 《浪淘沙》李煜 赏析 李煜《浪淘沙》及起赏析 李煜的《浪淘沙》赏析50字左右、很急~~拜托了~~李煜的《浪淘沙》赏析50字左右(帘外雨潺潺.天上人间)拜托了、很着急 李煜《浪淘沙·往事只堪哀》赏析 If you discover that school life is different from what you expected,what will you do?100字以上小作文,口语材料.大学级别水平.要人工的阿. 初二英语听力材料 初二英语书61页怎么做 摩托车发动机类型四冲程什么意思 this factory is quite different from______beforeA)what it wasB)that is wasC)which it wasD)what was it请说明选择的理由,为什么不能选别的答案2)_______entering the hall,he found everyone waiting for himA)atB)whileC)on D)in请说明选 I didn't feel good when my father ____me ____ my sister A compares;to B compared;to It used to be a hospital.Now the hospital_____(move)to the center of the city. 产品特点用英语怎么说