
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:41:53
六年级下期辩论会科技发展弊大于利的辩论稿 科技发展弊大于利的辩论稿[可以是最近的新闻、名人名言,只要是有力、尖锐、反驳力大的就OK!]科技发展弊大于利的辩论稿(弊大的证据)【各位,一定要是弊大于利的哦!不要复制粘贴,好的 -Are you still thinking about yesterday's game?-Oh,that's___.A.what makes me feel excitedBwhatever I feel excited aboutC.how l feel about itD.when l feel excited are you still thining abouut yesterday's game-Are you still thinking about yesterday's game?-Oh,that's___.A.what makes me feel excitedBwhatever I feel excited aboutC.how l feel about itD.when l feel excited为什么D不可以.请从专业的角度解 You can't have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday.这句话用If开头怎么写当年上学没学好,现在自学好多问题呀.有人说这是虚拟句 can't要用过去式. Are you still thinking about yesterday'game?Are you still thinking about yesterday's game?-Oh,that's___.A.what makes me feel excitedBwhatever I feel excited aboutC.how l feel about itD.when l feel excited为什么选D? 形容水流的奔腾轰鸣 为什么骆驼被称为“沙漠之舟” 人们为什么把骆驼称为“沙漠之舟” 为什么把骆驼称为“沙漠之舟 Half the students in our class ---- interesred in reading English stories.A.is B.areC.has D.have好吧,用什么,为什么? 关于沙漠之舟骆驼的问题我听说骆驼的主人去沙漠前,总让骆驼喝很多的水.然后,主人如果口渴的时候会让骆驼吐出一部分水,供主人来喝.这是真的吗?有这种事情吗? ---I have been to Hangzhou once(需解释) ---when____you_____there?A.did go B.have gone C.have been----I have been to Hangzhou once(需解释) ----when____you_____there?A.did,go B.have,gone C.have,been when have they gone there?这句话错了吗?错在哪里. 沙漠之舟第2自然段为什么把骆驼称作沙漠之舟 为什么骆驼叫沙漠之舟 划线部分提问Our school has the students from all over the country.划线部分是from all over the country. 本人工作两年了,英语一直不好,特别是口语, 骆驼被称为"沙漠之舟"? 赞颂母亲的名言越短越好,越多越好 英语填空题(给出首字母) please look at the a_ for TV sets in the newsapaper 字母排列:reatl____ please look at zhe h_____ in zhe newspaper carefully The boy in a green coat is john改为一般疑问句 The boy is Jim Green?(变一般疑问句)___the boy Jim Green?Yes,___is. The boy is Jim Green.怎样改为一般疑问句? 把The boy's name is John.变同义句 骆驼为什么是“沙漠之舟” 骆驼为什么是沙漠之舟? Let's look at the movie times in the newspaper and then decide.翻译成中文 the movie times in the newspaper什么意思? she often watches the fish swimming in the pool.这句子是宾与从句吗?如果是,那么为什么不用swim而用swimming?如果不是,说说为什么以及如何判断是否是宾语从句.我觉得这个很像宾语从句啊,主语She,谓语wat 英语翻译作为父亲,应尽可能地为孩子创造一个温馨的环境,让小孩健康的成长.采纳翻译准确又有文采的,