
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 19:05:19
《天工开物》两则作者是宋应星(稻)翻译全文. 英语翻译是《天工开物;乃粒第一》稻的翻译 文章 l am Maria.l am from Mexico. (My English teacher)is taller than me.对括号提问 Surprisingly my elder brother is so quick and will be married,favour dizzy! My English teacheris taller than me.对划线部分提问:划线是My English teacher 44 .Julia and Lily are in Class Three ,Grade Eight .(划线提问)___________________ 英语翻译特殊句式及词类活用能不能总结一下特殊句式和词类活用 急求天工开物稻的翻译 天工开物两则(稻、冶铁)的感悟200-300字 东方神起允浩英文名是yoon吗 my mother often ()my sister ()of the house and plays with her in the garden求大神详细讲解A take…out B takes … out C takes …to D take …to My mother often makes my brother and me_____our bedroom to make it______.A clean; clean B to clean;clean C.cleaning;to clean D.clean;to clean-Would you like _____ apples?-No thanks.I want to have ____ bananas.用some形式填空 Join comes from Canada.(对划线提问)划线为Jioin 划线为Jioin 跪求……(我今晚的作业) My mother often decorates our house的否定句是什么 Tina and Sarah are from England怎么改为否定句 照样子,在括号里填上适当的词语台风( )例子 :桂花(盛开) 红旗(飘扬) When a lion asleep,a little mouse began running up and down beside him,__________made some noise.我填了it为什么错了,请问应该填什么,为什么填 卖炭翁的名句是什么?急切~感激ing~ We went to the beach on sunday.变否定句 We went to beach(d______)The summer(h____).kuai! I have ______ an unbrella to your mother答案用了brought,可是have不应该是构成现在完成时的吗,为什么是用brought而不是bringing? n前要加an吗英语,三星笔试里的. 人为财死,鸟为食亡的含义是什么? 凡墨烧烟凝质而为之的为 凡墨烧烟凝质而为之”那篇文章的翻译 ,翻译,就一天 石炭烟亦大, 刺猬是国家几级保护动物..刺猬肉吃了对身体那部分有益... Are they classmates?的答语 they are classmates改为否定句啊 刺猬该怎么养啊 急死我了我从舅舅家拿来一只小刺猬..不知道该怎么养..看着它挺可爱的..我不忍心放了它..我是在城市里生活的 拿到底该怎么办? 爱痕 阅读题爱指什么?痕又指什么?