
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:31:27
描写莲花的好段 以下列题目分别写四篇英语六级水平的作文(400字)急~1.Compare Chinese and American table manners.2.What are new media and influence on college students?3.The person I admire most 4.Comment on one greatest invention or discovery i You should____(be)in the kitchen and clean it. ( )the computer( )care and attention.Yes you should clean it every day.填空 I cut my hand in the kitchen.you should put on it.A medicineB bandage China is ----- for its food . 英语翻译需要表达准确意思 求翻译Their efforts to avoid my eyes forced me to realize they saw only my missingTheir efforts to avoid my eyes forced me to realize they saw only my missing legs 翻译in the age of reality television,success isn't the only way to the public eye. 让世界充满爱 这首歌的150字演说词 和 外婆的澎湖湾 这首歌的150字演说词 北京市几个区县以及分布图 小红看书,第一天全书的1/3,第二天看余下的2/5,已知第二天比第三天少看24页,求求全书总页数 short 关于不定式to do 的用法to do 表主动将来.那么to have done 是否有将来的意味?he is said to have made two trips to China in the last two years .他据说在过去的两年将要来中国? 月亮就是诗人歌咏的对象,我知道的诗句是:( ),( ).嫦娥一号发射成功,我想说:( ). 嫦娥一号飞向月球怎么扩句 be accused of 英语中构成类似结构的短语很多,请举几例___________ _____________ ______________ ___________ _____________ ______________ ___________ _____________ ______________ 用“be sentenced to ”造句RT be accused of piracy如何翻译 be sentenced 士大夫后是什么意识?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊. 兖州士大夫是干什么的?大神们帮帮忙急用 I can only please one person per day,today I choose me seconds per day?翻译下 怎么看是不是主谓关系 动宾关系 不定式作定语还是宾补?i have something to tell you 这是不定式作定语 因为宾语something 与不定式不是主谓关系 而是 动宾关系i ask you to open the door 这是不定式做宾 玲玲看一本70页的书,第一天从第一页看起,看了18页;第二天看了10页,第三天应从第()页看起 儒学千古百代书生 为了充分表达思想,to+do不定式能扩展成to+adv+do吗?即把一个修饰动词的副词方在to与do之间,如All evidence seems to support your perspectiveAll evidence seems to overwhelmingly support your perspective上面的句子对吗? 用什么提问to do 不定式 to do 不定式The last man_C__the diasppointing news was the patient's sich father.A.knew B.knows C.to know D.knowing请大家解释一下这道题为什么不能选A,再讲一下to do不定式作定语时的用法多谢各位 to do不定式通常充当什么成分 couldn’t so he tired walk he on be that 英语连词成句