
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 18:24:27
lt could't be used then.lt wasn't ___to use it.a.able b.allowed c.impossible d.possible couldn't be used then.It wasn't ( ) to use it.It couldn't be used then.It wasn't ( ) to use it.a)ableb)allowedc)impossibled)possible 求教!It couldn't be used then.It wasn't____to used itIt couldn't be used then.It wasn't____to used it为什么用possible,allowed为什么不行呢? 以小组为单位,了解本地的历史和当代文化建设情况,并就此谈谈如何加强本地文化建设温州的 求极限limxsin^2x/tanx-x 如下图,AB,CD是圆O的弦,∠A=∠C,求证:AB=CD. 想知道:世界 马来群岛 在哪 文化建设的根本 古埃及最主要的社会经济基础是 第一次世界大战之后,好像出现了一场世界性的经济危机,然后各帝国主义就加大开阔殖民地,这是为什么? 古埃及和古中国的社会结构和政治体制有何相似之处? 如何辩别日光灯镇流器好坏? Use of English1、A:What day is it today?B:_________.(3分)A、Today is March 25th B、Today is SaturdayC、Today is fine D、Today is cold2、A:Please help yourself to the fish.B:_________________.(3分)A、Thanks,but fish doesnˊt agree wit 【紧急】英语USE OF ENGLISH,For questions 31-40,complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,using the word given.Do not change the word given.You must use between two and five words,including the word give 2003年考研英语 use of english完形填空倒数第二道39题On the contrary,they can help studengts acquire a sense of commitment by___ for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules. 英语1(Part II.Use of English)Part II.Use of English 21.- Dear Tommy,why don’t you come on holiday with us?- ______ A.That’s very kind of you.I’d love to.B.How dare you invite me?I won’t go.C.Yeah,thanks anyway.D.Whether I’ll go or not is 考研英语use of English 需要背诵吗?词汇量也不好.语感也被摧残的不剩了.再拿起英语有点吃力.想知道考研真题的use of English 有背诵的必要没? 属相属羊带什么生肖好 帝国主义列强未能把中国变为殖民地的原因 巴帝国主义列强未能把中国变成殖民地的根本原因是什么? 我的钾长石有红,白,混搭的颜色好不好 谁知道这件美邦衣服的货号?这件衣服曾在南京夫子庙见过,当时犹豫了没买,想问问大家伙谁知道这件衣服的货号?或者在淘宝有卖?实在不行,类似的衣服也可以. 有一个方钢长2.5米横截面是边长3厘米的正方形.每立方厘米的钢重7.8克,这段方钢重多少克? 疑()凝()值()直()悟()捂()暴()瀑()峻()竣()消()销()组词 酶有哪些性质? 酶有什么性质 酶的性质 新文化运动向西方学习的侧重点发生了什么新变化? 侥组的词有哪些 侥 怎么组词两个字的词语. 竣与峻怎么区别? 浙江附近那里有卖 根霉菌.曲霉菌.酵母菌.纤维素酶,糖化酶.毛酶.白地酶朋友有点急,需要这些.