
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 00:50:47
this question deserved _____(careful) considering.要填副词还是形容词?请详细说明下 We have two rooms to live in为什么加in? have rooms to live in.这里为什么用in,live什么时候做及物动词,什么时候做不及物动词 we have two rooms to live in,but I can't decide________.两个选项填什么?A.to choose which oneB.which one to choose选哪个,为什么 填空题.They live a comfortable life and have nothing________(worry)about. I will be better in three years,I 'm young so I have enough time to change everything.这句话总感觉有点中国式英语,但错在哪始终说不上来.求指教 many people don't have enough money ( ) medical treatmentA.to B.with c.forD.about 圈出来的字念什么? break,usually,they,for,have,noodles(连词成句)请说明如何做 we have no time to waste 这句话说么意思? i have no time to waste, no chance to choose, no captial to compare with others.the only way i cando is keeping myself calm down and working hard.有没有语法错误 let us get out quickly.It is no good ____time.a.waste b.to waste c.to have wasted d.wasting为什么选D? 怎样做到人与自然和谐相处? 环 减一笔是什么字 英语翻译1.全部后台程序开发及应用2.北方门户型农业网由政府出资3.技术团队共5人4.3人前台页面制作5.2人后台程序开发6.参与程序开发制作 英语翻译Only the CDF makes statements about the probability of a sub-set of possible outcomes ofa random experiment The birds will not have enough space to live句后为什么不加INthe birds will not have enough place to live in?都是书上的句子啊?会不会因为space是不可数名词?8懂 怎样正确处理好人与自然的关系 太阳系的邻居是谁? If i lost can you find me 什么意思?If i lost can you find me 这句什么意思啊?急~~~~ Have you found your lost mobile phone?No,I haven't found_____,but I boght_____this morning.A one,thatB that,oneC it,oneD one,it(原因是什么,具体点)这题选C 求教与学广东学导练--物理八年级下粤教沪科版答案下载 物理沪科版和沪粤版有什么区别 急需初中全册物理的教学视频(沪粤版)!记住是要沪粤版的,8, 地球的“邻居”在中国的行政区划图上,找出中国的陆上邻国和隔海相望的国家.我最熟悉邻国是------------它的首都是----------- 月亮-地球的妻子,姐妹,还是邻居 相关歇后语 运用矛盾分析法,谈谈应该怎样正确处理人与自然的关系. 第三题两问全写, 根据联系普遍性的观点,我们应如何正确处理人与自然的关系 Do it cost much money to fly to Beijing Could you tell me?(合并为一个复合句) 透 字第九画怎么读? 谁能帮我把这话弄成荧光笔字?如果都过去了、又有什么还是重要的.过去了、剩下的 就只有记忆了吧. 希望大家帮帮我