
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 18:25:54
几个英语单词造句,1.consider 2.can't stand 3.suit sb fine 4.expect 5.to be honest6.keep healthy 7.taste be bad for 8.stay away from 9.be in agreement 10.the risk of... 11.discike 12.prefer 13.whatere 14.sugges 明天不封阳台 1.作者态度变化的三句话 (从文中找哈,.) 2.为什么现在才要封阳台?3.为什么作者喜爱那只普通的鸽子.4.人类的精神家园在哪里?5.我们应该和大自然怎么样相处?能写多少就多少 连词成句have,ArtFestival,at,an,do.your,school,you(?) That is his uncle.用his uncle提问 1.DO YOU ( )THAT BOY?YES.HE IS MY UNCLE'S SON,JIM.在横线上填入适当的单词完成句子 英语翻译:穿上外套,否则你会感冒的(or) 大家看看我新的英文名可以么?Bard Li谁帮我想个好听点的,我姓里, 曲线y=4x-x^2与x轴所围成的平面图形的面积是多少 my grandfather is seventy years old ,but he is still h什么.He is tall and t什么.His hair is short,s什么and w什么 My grandfather is seventy years old,but he has good_____(the power of seeing)根据句意及括号内所给英语解释,用单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确. my grandfather is seventy years old ,but he is h-- .he is tall and t__.his hair is short ,and w__. he likes r__.every morning he gets up very early and t__reads newspaper . when he reads ,he often w__ glasses . he also likes p__chess,too. he my grandfather is seventy 划线部分提问 His grandma is seventy years old.(用how old 就画线部分提问) ---------------------- 一个英语句子的用法是There is a lot of flowers on the table?还是There are a lot of flowers on the table?请说明原因. 关于一个英语句子用法今天看到这样一句:Four days after setting out,while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic,a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.其中的water为什么加了s变成了复 关于一个英语句子的用法,高手来!From what have been illustrated above, .illustrate能不能这样用?如果不能应该怎么改用illustrate啊?(句式不变)但illustrate可以用has been illustrated的吗?这不是被动吗?不 一个英文句子的用法As far as I am concerned,from a personal rather than theoretical perspective这句话会不会有点重复了. next,Sunday,good,is,to,have,time,the,school,party,a (连词成句) 一件圣诞礼物用英文怎么说 Mr and Mrs White's son is eight years old (同义句) Mr.Land is 40 years old.and Mrs.Land is 38 years old 同义句转换 Mr.Land is 40 years old.And Mrs.Land is 38 years old.(合并为一句)Mr.Land is ________ ______ _________than Mrs.Land. Mr Wang is 75 years old .but he is still ____.A.good in health B.in good health C.in good healthy D.well It is five years ___ Mr Wang ___ the car We will____the English party at 6:30 pm on Saturday.Please don't be lateA predict B mention C organize D start have they english thursdays on ( . )连词成句 为什么博物馆禁止拍照 英语翻译看过几个版本都觉得不太准确,句子不太通顺. 权志龙的today用中文翻译 Tiziano Ferro - Breathe Gentle 歌词中文翻译不要翻译机的.http://video.baidu.com/v?ct=301989888&rn=20&pn=0&db=0&s=6&word=tiziano+ferro+-+breathe+gentleI want to give you all of me, the underneath,want you to show me imperfection is actually the ,when ,party .to ,good.a .time.have ,is?连词成句 已知曲线y=1/x,直线y=4x,x=2及x轴围成一平面图形,求此平面图形的面积